"Educational Decree..."

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Sarah was beginning to get annoyed by the constant clattering of hammer and nail as another decree was put up.

It was near impossible to read in the library with all that damn banging and her headache grew worse and worse with every hit of the hammer. However, this time it was a different sound that caused her to pause in her reading.

A woman was screaming.

Sarah dropped her book and ran out of the room, flying down the stair cases, that changed for her at the last moment, she ran to the great hall.

She watched as professor Trelawney stood with several packed suit cases, she was both sobbing and screaming.

"No! NO! This cannot be happening...It cannot...I refuse to accept it!"

"You didn't realize this was coming?...would make it inevitable you would be sacked?" Umbridge questioned, to which Trelawney attempted to defend herself by stating that Hogwarts was her home.

Her pleas fell only upon deaf ears.

"You!" Sarah pointed to one of the girls that had listened to the professors every word.

"Fetch the Headmaster and McGonagall immediately." Sarah calmly pushed through the crowd and hugged the crying professor.

"And just what are you doing, Miss Williams?"

Sarah would have loved nothing more than to hex the woman that stood before her or set the goblins upon her... again, but she valiantly refrained herself.

However, that would not be received well with the Ministry. Instead, Sarah stayed comforting the professor and ignoring Umbridge.

McGonagall quickly stepped forward to the poor woman's side.

"There there, here blow your nose on this...You are not going to have to leave Hogwarts." McGonagall soothed.

"And your authority for that statement is...?"

"That would be mine."

"Yours, Professor Dumbledore?"

Sarah smiled as Dumbledore went on to use the Ministries own decrees against them. He was almost as good as Jareth in the section of manipulation.

Once Umbirdge learned her place, Sarah and McGonagall helped the poor woman back to her quarters.

"That was foolish, Miss Williams. All you have succeeded in doing is cause Umbridge to-"

"Umbridge is already looking deeply into my past and is making my life as difficult as she can. Luckily I grew up in a royal court, her level of difficult is mere child's play." Sarah informed McGonagall after Trelawney was once more settled.

"Very well." McGonagall replied in a short clipped tone. The Scottish Witch found herself hoping that the Fae girl knew what she was doing.


Sarah was surprised to see Firenze, though she had of course, heard the rumors she had not quite believed them.

She kept her head down and slipped in past Harry whom had, for the time being, captured the contaurs attention.

The lesson was much more interesting than any of Trelawney's.

"...Mars, bringer of battle, shine brightly above us, suggesting that the fight must break out again soon..." For once Sarah took active notes.

Never, in any of her travels or schooling, had she the opportunity to be taught in a classroom by a centaur. And a respectable one at that.

She had, of course, been into several forest in all three realm to learn from them and act as messenger between different herds, of which there was many.

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