Part 4

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"Fort Lauderdale is hot! Both temperature and Chick-wise, that's why I prefer this place for all the photo shoots and stuff plus I am single so this place is like the nirvana of singles-ready-to-mingle! Hey you have a girlfriend or a chick that you like?" 

"I am six!" the kid sitting next to Chace in the airport waiting lounge said. "And seriously what kind of name is Chace? Were your parents being chased by police when you were born?" Chace gave the kid a hard look "you just said you are six so no, the stork carrying me was chased by you ugly mom." The kid made an expression that he would have made while giving the finger and Chace thought better than getting on the nerves of this child. "Hate kids!" he muttered to himself and looked around for some good looking stewardess. His day by far has been going lame. His flight got delayed because of some technical issues. He was sitting in the airport lounge expecting some blonde bomb shell to walk in but today was like the strike of pretty girls. Not one pretty set of rack since an hour. "Fuck!" he complained. "Excuse me? Can you just please find another place to sit, I am afraid my son might catch bad influence." The fat mother of the kid finally could not take it anymore. Chace gave the kid another hard look and stood up just in time to hear that his flight has been cancelled. This time his cuss made the mom and kid change their seats.

Extremely mad the airport staff he took out his phone to call Howard and upon his 'hi' Chace informed him about the flight being cancelled. The next flight was tomorrow at 6 pm. "Alright buddy I will take care of business here, don't worry!" Howard assured him. He cut the call and checked the time, it was 8 pm. Two good hours got wasted. He carried his luggage and started to walk outside.

"Hahahaha!" Just two seats away that mother and her child were laughing at Chace. He went over to them and with the politest expression on his face he said "Ma'am, Fuck you!" and turned without waiting to see her face which, he was sure, had turned as red as his shirt.
"Where to?" The cab driver asked as he sat on the back seat. "Lexis Heights" he said.

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