Chapter 7 part 2

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       "Then why was there blood?"

     "Because these robots where constructed with organism parts, and other robot parts. So I guess you could say it's part human and part robot."

      I nod, astonished by this, "How do you know this?"

    "Ava came by and explained this all to me, about those creatures who are called the echoes. After she explained that to me, she told me about how I was in a sim, and I needed to find the others to find the cure and left me tied up."

    "She never came to mine room," I announce.

    "She said she had to leave to awaken more Gladers. Did she visit you Newt?"

    "Yeah, but she never explained the echoes, only to be aware of Gladers, because some might not be what they seem, but I guess that explains what she meant." Newt replies.

     "Hmmm...That's odd Thomas. How did you wake up?" Teresa asks.

     "My body jerked itself awake in the sim after I died. That didn't happen to you?"

     "Well I remember dying, but someone was calling my name through the darkness." Teresa responds.

    "Same," Newt interrupts, "But I wasn't being called Newt, I was called Thomas, and I assume that might be my real name or they confused me with you somehow," Newt laughs.

   "Perhaps, but if the maze wasn't real, shouldn't we have our memories back?" I ask.

  "I asked the same question," Newt answers, "And she told me that W.I.C.K.E.D. erased our memories when we refused to enter the sim, but temporarily until we finished the sim, or trial, either one, and all of our memories should be coming back within a week or so."

    I look at Newt and nod in comprehension and spot red dots all over his shirt, Chuck. "So what if that Chuck was an echo, where is our Chuck?"

    "Maybe he wasn't with you earlier, that could have been the echo the entire time." Teresa answers.

    "But I saw him, fresh out of the sim," I say in denial.

     "Are you sure?" Teresa asks me and then turns to look at Newt.

     "Well...," Newt replies, "We just spotted him on the ground."

    "Which means you probably didn't find the real Chuck, that is if he's alive."

      I swallow hard, he was with me, I know it! "I know it was him, I could feel it."

     "But you couldn't tell the echo from Brenda, so how could you possibly tell one from Chuck."

     "Well, how could you tell at first glance that it wasn't Brenda, but the echo?" I ask.

     "Besides the fact that she tried to murder me, her eyes flashed to this demonic red, and she mumbled this number continuously in this monotone voice, like a robot."

     "What did she mumble?" Newt asks.


       I gasp and turn to Newt, "13 Gladers. What else did she say after that?"

     "Umm..." Teresa tries to recollect her thoughts, "About finding all 13, to complete order #13."

       I swallow hard at those words, I remember Blake talking about it. It's real! "I remember that from my sim. It was the name of the substance used to create the virus."

After the Death Cure(The Maze Runner)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz