TigerShadow24_SC Contest Round Two

96 11 3

Prompt: Write the dog's scene from the dog's POV.

"That cat was delicious! If only I could have gotten more." The omega heard his brother say to his sister. They had gotten out of the fenced area through the human door, and the two of them had gone on an adventure. They had actually found two young cats, and managed to kill one. Omega wished he had escaped. He could have killed the other one and proved to his father that he was worth something after all.

The three dogs flinched back as one of the humans slammed the door to the barn. He trudged inside, flinging hay at the horses, before yelling something at the dogs and stomping back out. The heavy door slammed shut, leaving the dogs without food for the third night in a row.

"I hate this! We go hungry because the humans have too much power over us!" Omega's sister moaned.

"Why must we continue to stand for this? Why have we not killed the human alpha yet?" The black and brown dog inquired. At the moment, only three members of his seven dog pack were with him at the moment, his mother having been taken by the humans and not seen again.

The smallest of the bunch, the brown and black attack dog had been demoted to position of omega within the pack. They were too small of a group for true positions or any rises within the group. He as the smallest, was stuck doing the dirty work.

"I have not identified the human alpha yet. When I do, I will kill them. Until then, omega, hold your tongue." The dog jumped at the sound of the voice behind him. He gulped and turned to find his father, Alpha of the pack, bearing down on him.

"I am sorry, Alpha. It won't happen again." He barked, bowing his head. The little omega waited until he was sure the Alpha was gone before lifting it up.

"Alpha wanted you to perform a border check." One of his siblings said. With a sigh, the omega stood. He padded outside of the twoleg nest and walked along the border of the fence.

Expecting to see nothing, the omega was surprised when he came across a brown tabby cat. It was clawing at the broken part of the fence, creating a hole. The omega darted at the cat, barking loudly to chase it off, watching in amusement as the tabby hissed, swiped a claw, and slinked away. Ha! As if that cat could do anything.

Walking back inside, the omega returned to his father.

"There is a hole in the fence, alpha." The large male looked down on his omega.

"Show me." So the omega led his leader to the breach. He watched as his alpha stuck out a large paw and pulled dirt out of the way. It came easily enough, but if they wanted to leave from that hole, they would need more dogs working on digging.

"Omega! Dig a hole big enough for me to fit through. Call me when you are done." The dog obediently began scooping out dirt, his oversized paws gathering dirt and grasses from under the sharp metal fence.

About ten minutes of nonstop digging, the hole was significantly bigger. His father pushed past him, sniffing at the hole. Shoving his face and shoulders through, he slipped past and turned to the rest of his pack.

"Come! I'm hungry, and I smell CAT." Omega didn't like how his leader's eyes glinted and his voice went deeper at the word cat. Cats didn't even taste that good. Why did they need to chase them?

Yet once more the subservient dog pushed through the fence after the rest of his pack. By the time he got out, he had to dash after them because Alpha was too impatient to wait for him. Wow, he realized. It really did smell strongly of cat. He was so hungry that it called to him, the thick heady scent of blood. He licked his lips, bounding quickly after his leader.

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