Chapter Two

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Chilled looked at Ze and answered his question. But first they sat down on Ze's bed.

"Well, I love video games, um....before I lost everything I actually played a lot of them." He smiled remembering the good old days. Ze seemed interested. He of course loved science, but he also loved video games just as much, if not, probably more.

"So thats it?" Ze questioned. Chilled shook his head.

"No..Um..I have a obsession with yogurt. Like I really love it. Also I have a red mario hat." He said excitedly, reaching into his bag he had used to steal with and dug out the hat. He placed it upon his head and giggle. Ze thought he looked cute. Ze nodded and waited for him to continue.

"Also, I have a major fear of bugs. I know that is not an interest, but if you hear me scream it is a bug, or I just hurt a part of my body somehow. As well as I am Italian." He looked at Ze.

"So how about you, huh. Like what's your name and what are your interests?" He questioned him. He just occurred to him that he never told Chilled his name.

"Well my name is Steven, or Ze. I am Canadian. I love science, video games as well, and I have a red viking hat thing." He looked around for it and found it he bent over to get. Chilled by an accident looked at his ass. Causing him to blush. It was quickly gone when turned he turned around. Ze put his hat on and wore a gleeful smile. Now it was Chilled turn to think he looked cute.

"So that is pretty much all you need to know about me." Ze declared. Chilled seemed happy now. Not nervous, or anxious.

"So, where am I going to sleep?" Chilled questioned Ze. 'Shit' Ze thought. He did not think about this.

"You could sleep on my bed. And I sleep on the couch." Ze offered. "Just in till I get your room ready."

"No. I can sleep on the couch." Chilled replied.

"No, you are not. You are living here and haven't sleep in a bed in a long time, so you get my bed." Ze demanded.


"No, buts. You sleep in my bed and that is finally." Ze demanded.

"O-oh, Okay." Chilled stuttered. Damn was Ze stronger than he looked."Now, let me go get some blankets and pillows." Ze went out of the room. Chilled laid down waiting for him. Soon he found himself rolling around. 'So comfortable!' He thought. It had definitely been awhile since he had been in a bed.

"Hey i am back with..." Ze was cut off by the adorable scene that was before him. 'Damn Ze that is twice you called him cute' He commented to himself. Chilled soon got eye contact with Ze. His face flushed bright red.

"U-um sorry. Just your bed is really comfortable." Chilled nervously laughed.

"It is fine, buddy. Anyway, here is some more blankets and pillows."

"You sure you want to do this? I can always sleep on the couch if you change your mind." Chilled questioned.

"I am sure. Goodnight, Chilled."

"Goodnight, Ze"

With that they parted ways and Ze fell asleep on the couch and Chilled fell asleep on the bed.

~Thank you for reading. TehFawkes will be posted.~

Ze the Roboticist and Chilled the ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now