The next stop was 1902, somewhere I really should have gone back to before hand, but Phi really wouldn't have liked it. He was a womaniser and tried to get me to forget her. Safe to say that I disappeared. "More stew?"

"Where've you been, man? Seven months. You said you were popping out for some liquorice. I had two very disappointed dancers on my hands. Not that I couldn't manage." He paused, looking at my wife. "And I see your own dancer is with you, hope you don't mind if I borrow her."

Phi hissed, baring teeth as he reached out a hand to touch her hip. "Don't touch me! I'm his wife, you idiot. We've found something."

He sized her up. "Doctor, I like your taste, though personally you should have stayed a bachelor. Pleasure to meet you, Seraphina. I shan't fall for that again, though. What is it?" Oh, because that worked.

"I've no idea. Do you want to find out?"


My dad was always fussing... It was getting really annoying and he always thought that he knew best. "I think it's the fitting."

"Dad, it's not the fitting. It just needs a new bulb." I told him, while Amy was just resigned to wait and hold it.

Dad glanced down at me. "You're wobbling the ladder. I don't want another loft incident."

"I'm not."

Amy decided to show off how much my dad liked her then. "How's my side, Brian?

He smiled down at her. "Perfect, as ever, Amy." Oh, great. My dad prefers my wife to me.

"Thank you, Brian."

"I don't know what he said to you to make you marry him, but he's a lucky man. I just wish that Alice could have been here to see you, after she ran off with that boyfriend to Spain back in 2009." Oh, right... We should probably tell him at some point... He didn't understand that Alice didn't exist, and that she was really my currently terrifying back from the dead sister in law, and was off travelling the Universe with her husband.

And speaking of the devils, the TARDIS started arriving, papers blowing around. "Not here, not now."

"You leave the back door open?" He asked us, not understanding.

I leaned toward Amy "What is he doing? Do you think Phi is with him or she went back to being a Bounty Hunter? "

"I'm going to kill him. And her if she's there." She replied as the TARDIS materialised around us.

"Hello! You weren't busy, were you? Well, even if you were, it wasn't as interesting as this probably is." He grinned, and Phi was on his back, no mask, no hood, and wearing a skirt. Halle-freaking-lujea. It was dark blue, and she was also wearing a her red long sleeved top. Only problem was the knife still sheathed on her hip and one on her calf. "Didn't want you to miss it. Now, just a quick hop."

Phi smiled, jumping down and holding out a bucket of something. "Everybody grab a torch." And then my dad dropped the light bulb. Great.

The area we landed in was dark and dusty, with cobwebs. No obvious indication of usage, the whole place was just big open-plan. "Spiders. Don't normally get spiders in space." Phina commented, while her husband shivered. Wuss.

"What the?" Dad muttered, coming out of the TARDIS while really confused. Brilliant, my dad hated travelling.

And the Doctor finally realised. "Don't move! Do you really think I'm that stupid I wouldn't notice? How did you get aboard, eh? Transmat? Who sent you?"

"Doctor." Phina sighed, taking his hand. "That's Rory's dad."

He turned his attention to me. "Well frankly, that's outrageous."

Arcadia's Love (Book TWO)Where stories live. Discover now