Best Summer Ever

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“I…I’m just upset because there’s a bunch of girls giving me death glares in that class because you’re my boyfriend,” I said quickly.

Landon gave me an amused look before busting out laughing. He was laughing so hard he started crying I just looked at him frustrated before snapping. 

“I knew I shouldn’t have told you! You’re laughing because you don’t care and I hate how you don’t take this seriously!” I shouted before storming off to my next class.

I didn’t see Landon the rest of the day and I stayed in the dorms instead of going home. I didn’t see him the next day either since I didn’t have any classes but he did and sometimes he would come to the dorms during his break between classes. My wolf was highly upset with me since she missed her mate and I couldn’t blame her I missed Landon to, but I blame the mark for that. So I decided tomorrow I’ll wear his hoodie and gym shorts to class and beg for his forgiveness.

On the next day, I trudged into class with my hood on and my eyes lowered so I wouldn’t make eye contact with anyone. I was so nervous as I took my sea next t to Landon. My hood came off my head and I turned to see Landon grinning at me.

“I forgive you Rose,” he said with a grin.

“How did you know I was going to apologize?”

“You always put on my clothes when you want something out of me,” he replied.

I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

“It’s a good thing,” he said answering my unspoken question. I blocked him out of mind and he frowned. I grinned and turned around in my chair to start taking down the notes. During class, Landon and I passed a note around and I noticed that the girls who usually give me death glares had their eyes glued to the board. Landon must have noticed something bothering me because he asked about it.

What’s wrong Rose?

I know it’s a good thing but those girls are not looking at me anymore.

Of course there not.

What do you mean?

 I talked to them because I wanted to show you that I cared.


Of course ;) 

Thanks (^_^)

 Anything for you Rose.   

 After that day, I didn’t have any more problems with the girls in that class. Actually, I befriended some of them and they actually let me talk about Landon…a lot. But I don’t mind since I have someone I can go to when I can get upset or anxious about my relationship with Landon.


It’s the last day in summer and I have a date with Landon. He told me to wear comfortable clothes so I’m wearing my high waisted jean shorts with a light blue and grey striped v-neck top. I head downstairs to the living room where Landon is waiting for me. He gives me his signature grin and takes my hand.

“Ready?” he asked and I nodded. “Let’s go.”             

 He led me out onto the deck and gave me a treasure map. I looked at it as if he was joking but he looked dead serious once he got two book bags of camping supplies. I sighed and looked at my outfit I should have changed into something with long sleeves or pants at least. Landon walked off the deck and I followed him while looking at the map. I hope he remembers my good sense of direction. As if reading my thoughts, which he probably did, he reached out and grabbed the map from me. I looked up at the sky and saw the sun almost setting. Was he really about to hunt for treasure in the dark? We walked for at least twenty minutes until we reached the campsite. I could already smell the food from fifty feet away so when I actually saw it I had to stop myself from attacking and eating all of the food.

My Love, Hated LunaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz