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[back to Kiev]

I still don't understand why Marion drugged me, and Autry won't tell me. But he did tell me about kagune being the name for a ghoul's weapon.

"So do you and mum have ones too?".

"Of course".

"Also me, right?", I expect a nod, but Autry just freezes for a moment, "Autry?", I poke his shoulder tentatively.

"Of course, but you just won't be using it for a while . . ."

"What do they look like?"


"The wea-kagune?", I'm still trying to get used to the new word and have to correct myself each time I try to call it a weapon.

"Umm . . . scaly? Well, they move around a lot".

"All on their own?", I imagined a tower of knives throwing themselves at a faceless investigator. Autry just laughs and tells me they move according to our own will.

"Eh? So like telekinesis?".

Again, the laugh.

"No, Kiev, not like telekinesis. More like an arm or a leg". That just sounds . . .weird. "Well, like an extension of your back . . .", Autry adds.

" . . . and . . . I don't get it", my face must look as blank as the page that was meant to be Autry's homework, because he just sighs in frustration and drags his palms down his face.

"Sorry, I'm not explaining this right, am I? You know what? -I'll explain this to you when I get home from classes today. Seeya", Autry swings his bag over his shoulder and heads for the door.

I call out a low farewell, and go over to the kitchen to wash the mug Autry abandoned on the dining table. I still haven't finished with mine and decide to make another cup of coffee, in case I randomly fall asleep like last week and end up getting nightmares.

I wonder what Eugene could be up to right now. Has he already forgotten all about a kid called Kiev, who suddenly ran out of his primary school classroom with tears streaming down their nervous face, right after seeing his?

I sure hope he's forgotten.

Maybe he's rushing school this morning, late as he used to be, or laughing and talking with other humans people in his class-

I hear someone knocking on the door.

Stupid, you've been thinking about dumb things just because of some dumb reoccurring nightma-dream you've had over . . . for almost two weeks.

I'm surprised when I peek through the peephole, to see a familiar, but strange face.

What is she doing here? It's the one who started my nightmares in the first place.

"Look, your mum knows I'm here, so just let me in –I haven't got anyone with me and it's not like I'd murder my own friend's son", the way Marion says the last part makes me wonder who she would murder. And it's true that hat-guy and Meredith aren't with her this time-

The home phone's ringing. Gosh, what is with all the distractions, today?

I decide that it's fine to let Marion think that there is no one home, and answer the call. It's mum.



"I'm just two minutes away, so don't open the door for Marion, just yet".

"Why, what about work?", I ask. How did mum know that Marion was here?

"Don't worry, I got a break, so just don't open the door, okay? You don't have to say or do anything", and then mum just hangs up on me. There's no longer anyone knocking but banging on the door.

"Um, Marion, can you hear me?", I've dragged a small stool over to the door and am staring comfortably through the peephole.

"Ah, so you are at home".

"Well, yeah, but I can't open the door right now, so if you could just wait a few more minutes?".

"How many?", I can see her look at her watch doubtfully. "Is Stella not home yet?".

I tell her no, and ask her about what I really want to know;

"What were you guys talking about while I was asleep?".

She looks up sharply and her lips thin to a single red line on her face. I know now, that she's not going to tell me. Mum must have told her not to. I try asking her about RC cells again.

"They're exactly what I told you they were – 'Red Child' cells that have all accumulated in the RC organ -the RC organ is called the kakuja- which then bursts through the skin and forms a kagune.".

I don't understand half of what you just said, but it sure sounds painful.

"Where is the RC-thingy kept?", I press my ear harder to the door.

"Hasn't anyone told you? – tch, of course not, those . . ."

"Autry was going to tell me, but that doesn't matter now -Tell me, how do we use our kagune?"

"You really shouldn't worry about that".

"Why no-", I stop mid-way, when I see mum's face through the peephole. I quickly step off the stool and run to put it back in the kitchen.

Just as I rush back to the door, the voices of Marion and mum stop, and mum yells for me to open the door. I count about five seconds before I finally turn the lock.

"Did you run, Kiev?", mum smiles, as she lets Marion in. I mumble a half-yes, and she's too busy to notice anything strange about it.

From my spot at the dining table, I have a clear view of the couches that the two women are sitting on. There's no coffee this time.

When mum gives furtive glances in my direction I quickly look back at the screen I was meant to be playing a game on. We don't really have internet at home, and Autry's always complaining about it when he has to go to the library, each time there's a research assignment to do. When Autry goes to the library, he also takes the tablet with him, so he can download apps for me to pass the time with.

I haven't left this apartment for over four years.


Hey, so I know this is a pretty late update, so I apologise - I slightly forgot-*nervously walks away*

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