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Gumball's pov
I stare at the blade in my hands. A small knife, really. Should I? Why not? I gently press the blade to my fur. I press down harder, drawing blood. One for killing. Two for running. Three for Darwin. Four for Carrie. Five for my family, six, seven and I stop at twenty. Blood is gushing down my arms and I rinse them off at the river. I don't have amnesia, I just don't want to go back. I roll down my pant leg and sigh. I see the car again. Not thinking, I jump into the river. Who am I kidding? Darwin is a fish. The currents start up again. Thanks a lot Mother Nature. Right when I need you. *Heavy sarcasm.* Now I'm being swept downstream , several cuts reopening.
The edge of my vision starts turning black as I loose oxygen. I pull myself out the river and start running.
"THERE HE IS!" I hear Darwin shout. I hear a splash as he dives into the water. Thankfully, I run faster because my year here and manage to out run him. Unfortunately, I'm not the one that runs on love. I continue running. I let my feet familiarise the ground. I hear Anias scream as she trips over. I find a sturdy tree and start to climb. I'm in the leaves when they pass beneath me. But Anias is too smart for my liking. I hear her-
"Wouldn't we see him? He must have climbed a tree!" And she's right.
I jump from tree to tree as I hear branches snapping. I just land on my feet on the ground when my mother turns around. She grabs my arm, and jabs a needle into my skin. I gasp as I feel a terrible pain in my left eye.

Nicole's pov
I gasp as Gumball squeezes his eyes shut. He starts to levitate of the ground. He starts screaming and hissing as a blue light burst from his chest. It surrounds him as a pale white stripe makes it way over his left eye and down to his tail. His eyes open and the light is sucked into his left eye. The eye turns a dark red and he collapses on the ground. I shove him into the car, and Darwin and Anias hop in.

Gumball's pov:
I wake up in our car. Wait- IN THE CAR! I gasp and jump out the window. At the last minute, Darwin catches my foot as we both tumble out the car. We wrestle for a few moments when he sits on me. I bite his leg as he jumps back in surprise. I run and find myself flying. I propell myself through the woods and safely dive into my "home". I slump down against the wall. Please don't catch me. You'll die trying. I can't believe they're searching for me. And I know Darwin is alive. All of a sudden, the world zooms by in an incredibly fast way.
"AHHHHH!" I scream. "Oh. Hi Carrie! Wait... WHAT THE WHAT?! WHERE AM I?!"
"I'm confused." She says.
"Where's Darwin?"
"I- you- are him." She replies. "He was you and then he became you."
"Ok." I say.
"GI-" She starts screaming. I slap my hand over her mouth. Or try to. But she gets the message and shuts up.
"Don't tell anybody. Ever." I whisper. I fly off.

Carrie's pov
"And then I caught him and then- Carrie?" I hear Darwin say.
"UMM! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-"
"CARRIE!" He yells.
"Oh yeah? Sorry I just saw... Banana Joe..... Eating a banana and that's wierd because that's like canniblism right?" I say, badly trying to cover up.
"Yeah that is weird. So anyways.." He says, continuing with his story.

Gumball's pov
Where... am... I?

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