//Is It The Same For You//

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After George left Matty and I fought. I fell to the ground in pain. Fuck my stomach was killing me. Matty saw the hurt in my eyes and helped me to the couch. I could barely breathe.
"Alice! Alice?! Baby. What's wrong? Please."
"My---my stomach...." suddenly drops of blood fell to the ground and I fainted. The last thing I heard was Matty apologizing to me.

I woke up in a hospital room to Matty on the phone with George. I guess he was on the way here. I grunted and looked around the room frightened... Matty was crying.
"Alice!" He ran to my bed and kissed me and sobbed. He held me in his arms as hot tears fell into my hair.
"Matty. What happened? Am I?"
He was incoherent. All I heard was "sorry", "I failed you", and "I love you".

George came rushing in and held Matty they both cried together. I still don't know what's going on. Suddenly a nurse came in.
"Mr and Mrs. Healy we need to have an ultrasound just to make sure...."
"Make what sure?"
"Mrs. Healy... we believe you may have suffered a miscarriage..."
"Miscarriage?! My child is already 7 months. How is this possible?"
"From what your husband and paramedics witnessed you lost a lot of blood. We believe you suffered from a placenta abruption. I'm sorry ma'am."
Matty and George came over to me and held me. We all cried.
"So. Uh uh what's next?" I said barely able to speak.
"At 7 months... you have to deliver this baby... First the doctor needs to check if you've dialated and if so how far a long... now only daddy can be present for this so..." George kissed my forehead and hugged Matty tightly.
"I'll be out here mate. I'll call the others and we'll be here for you... both of you. I promise." He left and I could hear his heartbreaking cries as he phoned the others. The doctor came in and tried making small talk we didn't care for. She checked to see how far I was..
"Mrs. Healy.... you're getting there. Should be another few hours. Would you like an epidural to ease the pain? We will do the typical vagina delivery..."
I suddenly froze and my heart shattered into pieces. "I--I have to deliver my dead baby?"
I broke down and so did Matty. This was all too much. We eventually calmed down and heard the rest of what she had to say. I took the epidural and waited around. Everyone shuffled in to say their condolences. It hit Matty and George the most. They felt responsible. So did I.

Brandon Andrew Healy was delivered at midnight on April 5th, 2015 and was gone too soon. The glimpse we saw of him was heartbreaking. He was a small little guy and so fragile. My hazle eyes mixed with Matty's crazy curls.I wanted to teach him to walk, talk, use the potty, and so much more but I'll never get to. My heart was crushed.
After everyone left and all my tests were done Matty laid with me. We sat in silence for hours.

//You// A Matty Healy and George Daniel FanficWhere stories live. Discover now