Chapter 2: Realizations

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( The part begins 7 years later at a convention thingy at Oxford University.)

Haruhi's head rested on Tamaki's Chest, her arms wrapped around his waist with long hair Strung everywhere. Tamaki had an arm loosely wrapped around her shoulders and his other arm hanging off of the bed and resting on the floor. Both FAST asleep, until the sun shone in Haruhi's face waking her up at the beginning of the sun rise. She slowly moved out of Tamaki's loose hold and sat up a bit dizzy. She took a few minutes to gather up the balance and stood up and slowly walking forward heading straight toward the bathroom. Once in she closed and the door, brushed her hair and teeth, opened the door again and walked to the dresser and pulled out the clothes she was going to wear that day. She turned a little to quickly and fell backward and into the dresser knocking a few knick-knacks off it, cringed and stood back up using the dresser as support and walked back into the bathroom to take a shower. Before she started to close the door she looked in the mirror noticing how pale she looked, she figured it was just the p-j's she was wearing. She wore a teal( or turquoise, she could never really tell), navy, yellow, sea foam, and white plaid(spell check)pant with an Oxford University Tee. Then she threw up, thankfully she was over the sink and it all went down the drain of the sink. she walked over to the toilet and crouched down and threw up some more.

This continued for several more minutes before Tamaki came groggily walking in and rubbing his eye asking if she was all right. She threw up again, and that was when Tamaki was wide awake and fussing over her and holding her hair back for her. This continued for about 2 hours and when she was finally done and didn't feel like she was going throw up any more she stood up and went to the sink to brush her teeth a few times. on her 3rd time brushing her teeth she realized something and she stopped mid-brush and stared wide eyed at Tamaki.

' We have been married for 3 years now so is it really impossible for me to be...' she swallowed hard and turned back to the sink to spit out the rest of the toothpaste foamy stuff.' Pregnant'

" Haruhi, are you... pregnant?" Tamaki asked warily.

" I-I... I don't know." She repiled, her eyes watering.

" No, don't cry. It's okay if you are." Tamaki said pulling Haruhi into a tight hug. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his waist and let the tears fall. She had cried loudly for the first 10 minutes when Tamaki then started to hum the melody of her favourite lullaby. He had always Hummed it when she was upset, it was almost like her security blanket. She soon fell asleep in Tamaki's arms. Once Tamaki noticed she was asleep he gently picked her up and placed her back in bed and tucked her in.

Haruhi woke up several hours later due to the smell of a delicious hotel brunch waiting for her at the foot of the bed. She sat up quickly and headed straight for it, lifting the plate cover revealing Pancakes and fresh fruit with some milk. There was a note sitting against the large glass of milk, she picked it up and read it:

Went to the store to pick up some medicine for you. If you need anything just call me.

Love, Tamaki

Haruhi got out of bed and went to the phone by the door, lifted the receiver and dialed Tamaki's number. It rang once before he answered. " Haruhi, are you feeling better? What do you need?" Tamaki answered worriedly.

" Yes, I feel much better. and, ummm, can you pick up a-a..."

" A what?"

" A pregnancy test, Please."

" uh-huh, of course Haruhi."

" 'Kay, Thanks. I love you."

" I love you too."

Haruhi then turned and walked back too the delicious, still steamy, plate of food. she sat back down on the bed and doused the pancakes with syrup and stuffed the food into her mouth. As she ate she found herself thinking about different names she would name the baby, if she was pregnant that is. She thought about Japanese names and if it was a girl she would name her Kaida and if it was a boy she would name him Kaemon. Then she thought about French names and figured Lunette for a girl and Elroy for a boy. She would ask Tamaki as soon as she found out she was pregnant.


It was several minutes later when he came home to Haruhi taking another nap. he chuckled a little and set the Plastic bag in the bathroom and wheeled the food tray out into the hallway. He changed out of his street clothes and into a loose t-shirt and pants, Closed the curtains and laid down next to Haruhi, And soon fell asleep also.


They woke up an hour later and just laid in bed for a few minutes until Haruhi just couldn't hold off any longer and quickly walked into the bathroom to take the test.

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