"Right when things are going great for us you have a tour?" She asked.

"I know," I told her. "It's really hard to have a long distance relationship, but thankfully we won't have to do that." I told her. She looked up at me and pushed me away a little.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I pulled some strings and now I'm asking you if you'd come along with me on my tour." I asked. She jumped in my arms with wide eyes and hugged me tightly kissing all over my face.

"Of course I'll come with you, don't ever scare me like that again." She said smacking my arm.

"Good cause I wasn't going to take no for answer." I smiled. I kissed her forehead again and together we walked into the living room. The boys still haven't gotten word of our journey, but since they were coming over anyways I figured I would tell them then.

Kyilee talked with Asap and helped her while I face-timed with Rook and Summer. Apparently I wasn't the only one handing out news today. Rook said something about his news being really exciting and that it was something that he couldn't wait to tell us. I kind of have an idea about what it would be, but I like surprises I I try not to spoil it for myself.

Slim says that he has something really interesting to tell us about him and Aaliyah and with their history, I believe it's that they are taking another break. They have been "together" for about 2 years now and after two months of being lovey-dovey they break up. It's really a cycle for everyone that knows about them.

"What do you think they have to tell us?" Kyilee says to me folding up my shirts and pants putting them in my suitcases.

"I don't know," I say going to help her, "that's why it's called a surprise." I tell her. She throws a shirt at me and I laugh folding it putting it away.

While we are folding clothes and laughing the night away, Slim calls and says that he and Aaliyah are outside. I ask Asap if she can open the door for me and she's does. Slim and Aaliyah look happy so they probably aren't breaking it off again.

They sat down together and Slim wrapped his arm around her shoulder. We waited for Rook to come so he could deliver his news before Slim said what he had to say about him and Aaliyah and before they were knocking at our door to come in.

I once again asked Asap is she could answer the door and she politely did. Rook and Summer greeted her then came into the living room and greeted everyone else. Summer, Kyilee,Asap and Aaliyah all went into the kitchen to bring out some drinks while Rook, Slim and I all sat on the couch and made small talk.

When the girls came back, Rook stood up and grabbed Summer to go up in front of everyone. Rook cleared his throat and smiled from ear to ear like he was proud of what he was about to say.

"Hurry the fuck up!" Slim said in a girly voice. We all laughed and Rook began to speak up.

"So as you guys all know, Summer and I have been together for about 4 years now and everyone knows that I'm in love with this lovely lady standing next to me. So before we get to what we had to say, I have to ask her a question," he said dropping to one knee.

Summer's eyes almost popped out of her head when she took note of what was going on. Rook pulled out a ring from his pocket and looked up at he as he took her hand. She cried and everyone, including myself was very shocked.

Anybody's Anthem (interracial) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now