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Evelyn POV:

When I fell asleep, I woke up in a tank in the familiar room that was my prison. I heard the dragonborn screaming in the other room, and I started to bang on the tank to break free. Not even a crack on the tank, but I didn't give up. My lord is in trouble. I started to panic as I kept punching the tank. Then, Balthazar appeared. 'You thought you could escape from me, my dear Evelyn?' I looked at him. 'Don't you dare hurt him! I'll kill everyone here!' I shouted at him, but he just smiled as he shook his head. 'My dear, you can't break this tank. I upgraded it since you broke out the last time. I learned from my mistake.' I tried to kick the tank, then I punched it over and over again as my fists started to bleed. Balthazar watched me, "Hmm, your lord can make a nice thrall for my collection," he smirked as he knew it provoked me. I started to shake and used my body to break the tank, but it pushed me down. "I... won't give up," I got up and tried again and again, hurting really bad. Balthazar smiled, "You always were persistent, my dear." I fell to my knees, "My lord...," keep hearing the Dragonborn's screams, looked down, and shook my head. "No, NO, I WON'T GIVE UP!" I got up and used my head to bash the tank over and over until I felt a stream of blood going down my face, screaming in anger. Balthazar saw that I have emotions. 'I see you have emotions now, Evelyn, hmm,' Balthazar called his minions and four of them came out bloody. I saw them. 'I'LL KILL EVERYONE HERE, THEN I'LL KILL YOUR FAMILIES!!' I screamed at them and the woman smiled. 'You can't do anything, Evelyn. Your lord was my perfect subject. I cut him open and get lost in his insides.' I looked at her with tears streaming down my face, then I punched the tank again and again. 'NO, NO!' The woman nodded. 'Oh yes, he'll be my test subject. My, how you've changed, Evelyn, crying like you're human? I thought you'd lost it.' After I did one more punch, the tank shattered, and I got out. Then I fought Balthazar's playmates. I took one of their weapons from them and killed them one by one. Once I'm done, I limp over to the room the dragonborn was in. I open the door and see his lifeless body. 'MY LORD!!' I limp over to him fast. '' I start to cry and hug his head close. 'No..NO..' I take the dagger and hold him close. 'Don't lord..I'm coming, you won't be alone.' I rest my head on top of his and stab myself brutally. Then the dagger drops from my hand. The next moment, I wake up quickly in my tent, sweating. I sit up and realize it was just another nightmare. Shadowheart sees me. 'Evelyn, are you okay? You were screaming. Did you have a nightmare?' She said she was worried, but I got up and walked out of my tent without saying a word. I saw the Dragonborn and walked to him. ' lord...' The Dragonborn looked at me and saw me shaking. 'Evelyn, are you okay?' I hugged him close and heard his heart beating. '...yes...yes, I'm fine now.' I closed my eyes, and the Dragonborn hugged me back. 'What's the matter, Evelyn? You seem terrified,' he said as he rubbed my back to comfort me. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. A flashback of his lifeless face appeared, then he was back to normal. I breathed shakily. '.. it's..its nothing to worry about, my lord...' I became emotionless again as I let go of him with a smile. 'I just wanted to let you know I feel...better.' I had my guard up again and was on high alert. The Dragonborn looked at me, trying to figure out what happened. 'Evelyn, I know there's more. Did you have a nightmare?' He looked worried at me, and I was going to speak, but the flashbacks of the nightmare haunted me-his opened-up body, how lifeless he was. I closed my eyes. 'No, my lord,' I lied to him, and Shadowheart hugged me from behind. I opened my eyes and looked at Shadowheart. 'Yes, I'm fine, Shadowheart. Sorry for not responding to your question.' I turn around and hug her back. Shadowheart looks at me, noticing I've changed. 'Evelyn, can I talk to you privately?' I look at Shadowheart as I nod. 'Yes, Shadowheart.' Shadowheart takes my hand and we walk into the woods to our spot. Then Shadowheart looks at me with a worried look. 'Evelyn, answer me honestly.' She puts her hands to my face. 'Are you on your guard again?' I look at her and I hold her hands. 'I got to be-' Shadowheart looks at me sadly. 'Evelyn, are you back in your old ways, emotionless again?' I take her hands away from my face and I walk to the river. 'Yes, it's better this way. No distractions, no feelings getting in my way.' My eyes are in a dead stare at the water and Shadowheart walks to me. 'Evelyn, what happened in your nightmare?' She holds my hand softly and I look at her. 'Nothing but a wake-up call. My nightmare showed me I've been soft, distracted. My guard was low for too long. No more." Shadowheart looks into my dead eyes, and she worries because there is no light in my eyes anymore. 'Evelyn...,' she tears up, holds me close to her, and i hug her back. I remain silent and close my eyes. The wind blows through my hair and opens my eyes as I'm somewhere again. 'Not this again,' I was hallucinating, and Shadowheart noticed. 'Evelyn?' I was unresponsive, and Shadowheart sat me down on the ground. She sat next to me. 'It's okay, Evelyn, I'm here,' she held my hand. But then I got up with my head down, my eyes closed, and Shadowheart watched me quietly. She remembered what the Dragonborn said, 'She's dangerous when she's in her hallucination. Remain very quiet and stay still.' My unconsciousness heard a footstep and I got my sword out. 'Who's there?' The Dragonborn checked up on us. 'It's me, are you two okay?' Then he saw me in my hallucination. '..Shit...'

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