the landing

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Evelyn's POV

As we fell from the ship, I got knocked out, but at least I have the Dragonborn in my arms. Hopefully, I land on the ground first to ease the impact of the Dragonborn getting hurt. I woke up seeing the Dragonborn not in my arms. I stood up fast. I didn't care where I was or if I got any injuries from the fall. Strangely enough, there were no injuries, just a tadpole in my head. Then I heard a groan, and it was the Dragonborn getting up. He stood there for a moment to regain his thoughts, then snapped back into reality and looked at me. 'How did we survive the fall?' he questioned and looked around. 'And where are we?' He walked towards me, rubbing his head. 'This headache is going to be the death of me,' he sighed. I smiled. 'Then let's find a healer. There might be a village nearby,' I offered my hand so he could hold it if he was in distress. He walked past me. 'I don't want to hold your hand. Let's find the others. Maybe they're still alive.' I followed him closely, and he got annoyed. 'You don't have to stand so close to me. I can barely walk unless I trip over you,' he said. I looked at him with a soft smile. 'Then I'll go in front of you, making sure no enemies jump up on you.' I waited for his response. The Dragonborn looked at me, then sighed, 'How about you stay behind me? After all, I am taller than you and can handle myself,' the Dragonborn said, pulling me behind him. 'My lord, that's not how I work. I'm here to protect you from anything and kill for you. Your mastery of killing inspires me the most,' I said happily, trying to get in front of him. But he picked me up and set me down behind him. 'Can you just listen to me? Stay behind me,' he thought for a moment, then smiled, 'so no one can sneak up behind me.' I looked at him and sighed, 'Okay, my lord, I'll do it.' Then we started to walk. We saw some dead bodies on the ground, and then we saw Shadowheart. 'My lord, there is one of the survivors, Shadowheart,' I pointed in her direction. He looked and said, 'Go to her. I'll look for some supplies to make camp.' I nodded and walked towards Shadowheart, seeing something in her hand - a Githyanki artifact? I thought to myself. But I woke her up, 'Hey, wake up, Shadowheart,' I shook her, and Shadowheart jolted up, putting the artifact away quickly. 'How did we survive the fall?' She asked, looking on guard because she knew I saw the artifact. 'I don't care. We survived, unlike these others,' I looked at her. 'True, I remember falling, then nothing,' she relaxed. 'We need to stick together to find a healer, and I couldn't think of better company,' she smiled at me, waiting for my response. 'My lord needs to decide that,' I looked at the Dragonborn, who was crouched beside a dead corpse.

The dark urge POV

I crouched down close to the corpse. Then, a memory flooded my head: a thousand dead corpses, a bloody war drum. I felt myself starting to smile, but why, I thought to myself, and then someone touched my shoulder. 'My lord, are you alright?' my bodyguard smiled. I snapped back into reality and let out a cough. 'Yeah, I'm fine,' I said. I stood up and looked at her. 'Did you wake up Shadowheart?' She nodded. 'She wanted to know if she could stay with us until we get our tadpole removed,' my bodyguard said, as Shadowheart stood behind her. 'Sure, she can stay,' I smiled and started to walk inside the broken ship where the intellect devourers are. As soon as my bodyguard saw them, she looked up at me. 'Want me to take care of them, my lord?' She smiled, waiting for my response. 'How about we all fight them? Shadowheart and I are capable of taking these creatures out.' As I said that, my bodyguard looked worried. 'As you wish, my lord, but I'll take the lead,' I nodded and followed her. Then the battle started. I watched my bodyguard kill two intellect devourers, and one ran towards me, but my bodyguard stabbed it on top of the brain. 'Not on my watch,' she growled. There was one remaining, and I killed it. After the battle was over, I checked for supplies. Then I walked to where the crates are. My bodyguard looked around and Shadowheart stayed with me, watching me break a crate open because it was locked. Once we were done searching the area, we saw a pale man calling for help. I walked towards the pale man, but my bodyguard stopped me, saying 'Let me talk to this one; he seems dangerous.' I looked at her, then at the pale man, knowing she would kill him without a word 'let me talk to him' I said and My bodyguard sighed, 'Fine, but one wrong move from the pale elf and he's dead.' My bodyguard was on alert when I approached the pale elf. The pale elf noticed me, 'Help, I caught one of those brain things,' he said. I walked in front of him, 'Stand back, I've got this,' I said as a boar ran out of the bushes. Then, when the pale elf pulled out his dagger, my bodyguard knocked him to the ground and got on top of him so he couldn't move. 'I told you he's dangerous, my lord,' she put his dagger against the pale elf's neck, waiting for my response. As the pale elf was terrified, 'I-I thought you guys were dangerous because I saw you walking about while I was stuck in the damn pod,' he said shakily, looking up at me, 'Please, we can learn what's going on.' My bodyguard was ready to end him, then I sighed, 'Don't kill him; he's infected like us.' Then, my bodyguard lowered her head to the pale elf's ear, 'You're lucky my lord spared you. Just know I'm watching you. The next wrong move towards my lord, I'll make you unrecognizable, elf,' she said as she got up, giving the pale elf his dagger back. The pale elf was scared of my bodyguard, so he hid behind me, 'Do you know anything about these tadpoles?' He looked up at me, scared and shaking. I sighed, 'Yeah, let's say we don't want them in our heads.' I looked at my bodyguard, and she looked really pissed towards the pale elf. The pale elf, 'My name is Astarion. I'm from Baldur's Gate until the creatures picked me up,' he said, looking at my guard then to me. I looked down and saw two puncture holes in his neck, 'How about you come with us?' I said, looking into his red faded eyes. Astarion smiled, 'Yeah, I'll join you; it's nice to be in a herd.' My bodyguard sighed, and Shadowheart didn't question it. Me, my bodyguard and the two others started walking.

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