the first light

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Evelyn's POV:

I woke up. It's been a while since I slept like that - no nightmares, no daggers to my neck. It was a quiet and cold morning. I got up without waking anyone to start up the fire so they can all be warm when they woke up. I sit down on my bedroll, thinking about the dragonborn. He changed a lot; he calmed down his urges and cares about others. I thought he only cared about his business partner in Baldur's Gate. I smiled - I bet his business partner is lost without him and they have to deal with Orin, his sister. I sighed; Orin was tedious. I protected the dragonborn from her - how she's jealous over him, how he's the father's favorite. I look at the dragonborn and get up. I'm surprised he hasn't screamed in his sleep. I walk toward the sleeping dragonborn and then sit down beside him. He looks so peaceful, like he's finally free. I look at him for a moment and hear a branch snap. I get up fast with my sword out, just to see Astarion. Astarion looks at me. 'You're an early bird, huh?' I sigh, putting my sword away. 'Sometimes, if I actually sleep,' I said as I sit back down. Astarion cautiously walks toward me. 'So, I have a quick question. I know we don't see eye to eye, but humor me - what's your name?' I look up at him, and Astarion freezes up with his hands up. 'It's a harmless question, I assure you,' he said, scared. I sighed deeply. 'Why do you want to know my name?' I look back at the dragonborn softly and cover him up with his blanket, as Astarion finally got the courage to sit down next to me. 'Because it's nice to know we are a team after all,' he smiled, and I look at him with a sigh. 'Evelyn,' I said, only that Astarion could hear. 'Evelyn? You have a beautiful name,' his smile softened, and I look away from Astarion. 'I wouldn't go that far,' I joked, and Astarion's smile widened. 'So you are fun, and here I thought you're a very strict drow,' he chuckled, and I chuckled. 'At times I can be, you saw it firsthand.' Astarion looks at the dragonborn. 'When you tried to kill me?' I look at the dragonborn too. 'The very same,' I sigh softly. 'My lord has been through hell and back a couple of times, and to be honest, I'm glad he lost his memories, truth be told.' I rub the dragonborn's head. 'I wish I lost my memories too,' Astarion looks concerned. 'That bad?' I nodded. 'I'm sure he told you about how we met and how I dedicated my life to him, pledging to protect, take care of, and die for him when the time comes.' I smiled at the dragonborn softly. 'And I don't regret it.' Then the dragonborn slowly woke up to see me and Astarion getting along. Then the dragonborn sat up. 'Good morning,' he said with a smile. 'Good morning, my lord. Did I wake you?' The dragonborn shook his head. 'No, I decided to wake up.' He noticed my hand on top of his forehead. 'Were you rubbing my head while I was sleeping?' I nodded. 'Yeah, sorry... old habits.' I put my hand down and got up. 'I'll hunt for breakfast. Astarion, take care of my lord.' When I was about to leave, someone grabbed my hand. I looked, and it was the dragonborn. 'Be careful, alright?' he said softly as he let go of my hand. I nodded. 'As always, my lord.' I left to hunt. My head was very clear. It's been a while since no bad thoughts came through my mind. Like I was able to breathe, I marked the trees so I know my way back to the camp. As I started to hum, I liked this; birds chirping, water rushing, and trees moving. I found myself at ease with my eyes closed; all you could hear was sanctuary, until I heard footsteps. I got my sword ready to attack.

The dark urge POV:

Once I got up to stretch, Astarion smiled at me. 'What?' I said. Astarion got up also. 'So your bodyguard told me her name, want to guess what it is?' I was shocked. 'Did she actually tell you or are you just messing with me?' I looked down at him. 'I'm not messing with you, she actually told me when I asked.' I didn't believe him, but then again, you never know. 'Fine, I'll bite. Is her name... hmm, Rose?' Astarion shook his head. 'No, darling, keep guessing,' he smirked. Then I remembered a woman's name. 'Isobel?' Astarion shook his head. 'It starts with an E, darling.' I looked puzzled, trying really hard to remember, but I was getting a really bad headache. 'E? Uh, is it Eleanor?' Astarion sighed. 'It's Evelyn, darling.' I looked at Astarion softly. 'Evelyn? What a pretty name.' Astarion chuckled. 'That's what I said to her.' I smiled and started to walk around the camp. 'Hey, Astarion?' Astarion looked up at me. 'Yes, darling?' I had a really bad feeling. 'Shouldn't Evelyn have come back by now?' Astarion looked worried, then he sighed. 'You know how strict and quick she is. She's probably coming back with a gnoll. If the poor gnoll is lucky, she'll end it quickly,' he joked. As I sighed, 'Can you check on her? You're fast.' Astarion looked at me. 'What do you mean I'm fast?' I looked at him. He didn't know I could tell he's a vampire spawn. I knew it from day one. 'You're quicker than me. Look at me,' I chuckled, and Astarion sighed in relief. 'Fine, I'll check on Evelyn.' He walked into the woods and ran.

Evelyn's POV:

I was attacked by some paladins who knew me and the dragonborn from some reports. I was drenched in blood and heavily breathing, but I was the last one standing. I let one live to interrogate them. 'Tell me who sent you on my lord's trail,' I start to cut off one of their fingers. They couldn't move because I bashed their kneecap in. Once I took one finger, they screamed, and I covered their mouth quickly and tightly. ' I'm not here to play games. Who sent you here?' I let go of their mouth and wait for a response. 'because if you're not going to tell me, ill take that tongue of your if you're not going to use it.' The paladin started to cry. 'Balthazar,' I look at the paladin with a cold stare. 'what does he want with my lord? Choose your next sentences carefully.'Why in the hells does Balthazar want with my lord unless... no, NO.I started to get overwhelmed by the terrible theory on why the gas bag wants him back. Then I snapped and killed the paladin without them telling me why. I shook my head, 'i won't let him take my lord not again, never again.' I kept stabbing the paladin over and over. Then I heard someone approach me. I was in a hectic mood, and when I looked up, it's Astarion. 'Darling, what happened here? Are you hurt?' I started to breathe in and out. 'No, no, I'm fine. Just these fake paladins caught me off guard.' I got up, put my dagger away, and picked up my sword off the ground. 'Sorry for not getting breakfast. I'll do that now.' I put my sword away, then I started to walk away, but Astarion grabbed my arm. 'Darling, you're not in any state to hunt. Wash up and go back to the camp. I'll take it from here.' I looked down and sighed. 'Are you sure?' Astarion nodded. 'Yes, I'll be fine, darling. Now, clean yourself up.' I gave Astarion my lucky dagger. 'Here, you're going to need this. Best of luck, Astarion.' I walked away and found a nearby river to clean myself and my wound. I took off my damaged clothes and went into the river. I shook a little because the water was cold. I began to wash my wounds first with a sigh. 'Bastards got me good.' Once I washed up my wounds, I relaxed in the water but stayed on alert because I'm not letting my guard down again. I closed my eyes and went underneath the water, washing my hair, and then started to scrub my clothes, getting blood out of it. Once I'm done, I put my clothes back on and head back to the camp with my mind everywhere.

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