It's a sweet story, baby. Just say yes.

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Lukie's POV

I sit there, looking at the chessboard, wondering about other possible outcomes. If I hadn't missed a few key tactics and nasty plans of Ethanator's  (whose account I had found the day before, but not told him), maybe the game would have turned out in my favour with a landslide victory for me and not Mr. Cutie Patootie. But, oh well, more practice irl and online and maybe one day I'll beat him (in good sportsmanship, naturally).

He grabs his phone and does something on it and tells me to wait. About 10 minutes later, there's a knock on the door and Ethan picks up 2 paper bags from the deliveryman at said door. He walks over to the dining table, places both bags down and beckons me over. I walk over, unsuspecting of anything, and he tells me to close my eyes. I trust him (naturallyyy), I hear ruffling of the bags, then he tells me to open them.

When I open them, my heart almost bursts with adoration and affection for this wonderful man (aka my supercalifragilisticexpialidocious boyfriend). On the table there are 2 grande Starbucks cups, one with an E on it and the other with an L on it and there was a plate full of macaroons [A/N: PRONOUNCED MACARONS]. He asks me to guess what the cup containing my drink had in it and I shrug my shoulders.

"It's a grande espresso with oat milk and 3 pumps of vanilla", he says, smiling sheepishly. Upon hearing those words, I hug him so hard. "Babeeee", I squeal, overcome with joy, "You remembered my exact Starbucks order. Awww". 

He nods and I plant a kiss on his forehead and ruffle his hair affectionately (which I knew he would be slightly mad about seeing as he had just curled it and got it looking all fluffy and Ethan-y again, but, oh well, some things are worth messing up). "You're so fucking amazing, my legendary man of a boyfriend". I proclaim.

He ducks his head and covers his face that is slowly reddening. "You deserve it, honey". I make a poetic face and exclaim "By Jove, thou art the best thing ever in mine life. I am thoroughly enamoured by thee, my Prince Charming. As I finish speaking, he tackles me onto the sofa and kisses me deeply and passionately before trailing kisses along my jawline.

He then proceeds to place kisses all over my face, and I mean all over. I don't think he left a part of my face unkissed. By the end , I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt. "Babe, that's enough, let's eat and drink and get on with our day, alright ?" I ask. He agrees, but only after having assaulted my face with kisses once again. God, I love him and his endless affection.

We sit down on the sofa and drink and eat, holding hands all the while. After that, he goes off to his study to continue with an important app that his company are planning on selling for a fortune and I go off to my art room to work on yet another painting of him, this one only slightly different as he has the beautiful engagement ring I bought for him on his hand.

[A/N: This is obviously foreshadowing. Keep reading on to see just how far I've foreshadowed, my lovelies :)]

He finishes with that day's portion of work a few hours later, at about half 5. He comes over to my art room and knocks. I yell "Come in", having finished the painting a while ago and admired it for a while. He comes in and I quickly pull the curtain over it, which I do with very few paintings only because I don't want him to see them as they are future-spoilers.

He sees me in my paint-splattered apron wearing rubber gloves with paint on my face and staggers backwards and gasps dramatically, drama queen that he is. "Babe!" he exclaimed, "You look so amazing when you're in your element or when you've just been in it". I roll my eyes at his fake theatrics. "You've said that so many times Ethan. Too many to count". I shudder.

He breaks out into a grin. "I'm well aware of that babe"., he retorts, a smirk on his face. I sighed. "Do refrain from repeating the same things over and over, love. It does make life with you rather boring, and I am not for that at all because loving you, Ethan, is an adventure. It is different everyday and I abso-fuckin-lutely love it because I live for spontaneity, sweet pea."

At this, he starts crying a little. I frown. "What's up, pumpkin?". He sniffles and hugs me really hard. "Nothing's up, Lukie, it's just that no one's ever said anything like that to me before. never shown me that level of affection before and it means a lot to me". I smile and kiss the top of his head. "I'm glad. Means I can shower you with love ". I grin.

When he hears those words leave my mouth, he looks up at me, gets up on his tiptoes and kisses my nose and grins. "Well as great as that is babe, I also plan on showering you with love, just so you know. Which is why I bought us a gift". At my confused look, he pulls out a small bag from a corner of the room, which I'd seen but not given much thought to. He takes out a box from it, opens the box and takes out a matching set of yin and yang bracelets and rings and puts 1 of each on my left and right hands, respectively (Yin bracelet on left, Yang ring on right).

My eyes fill with tears. "Babe, you didn't have to". I say, sniffling. He smiles at me "It's only fair seeing as you're still unemployed and don't have much money left and people aren't buying your absolutely amazing paintings which you dedicate hours and hours to. Sure, most of them are of me", he grins, "but a painting painted with dedication and time and love is priceless, as a wise man once said".

I burst out laughing at that and he looks surprised and ecstatic to have elicited such a reaction from me. "Let me guess", I said, in a teasing tone of voice, "that so-called wise man was you and you just came up with that goofy but amazing quote right now". He grins and nods. "You know me too well, my Lukie". I smirk, "I should hope I do, seeing how predictable you are".

At that, he nods in a faux melancholy fashion. "That is true. Thou speaketh the truth, indeed, fair partner mine". I chuckle and ruffle his hair. "Indeed I do, thief of my hear among other possible things". I wink. He looks at me confused until I see that he realises what I'm referencing and a mask of pure horror appears on his face, and I double over, dying of laughter.

He then winks at me in a seductive manner. "I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to the idea. Just not for a few years, of course, because we've only been dating for a while and I don't wanna rush things between us, you know?". I nod. "Yeah, I get it. 43 days, 17 hours and 47 minutes." He looks surprised. "Wow babe, you remember the exact minute?" 

I grin. "Of course I did, my love. Every minute spent with you is the best minute of my life. That's a lot of best minutes. Anyways, did you know that when you die, your brain replays the best 7 minutes of your life?". He shakes his head. I smile very sheepishly. "Well, you would be my 7 minutes, darling." He hugs me tightly and kisses me softly and I can taste the apricot chapstick he must have put on before heading over here. "That's sweet. You'd be my 7 minutes too."

I chuckle. "I'd better be, bae. Ig I wasn't, I would be mighty upset and might have to rethink spending the rest of my life with you and proposing to you soon". I snort, untl I realise that I have spoiled the surprise I've been planning for a while now, and I freeze. He also freezes when he hears those words and then he doubles over, on the verge of tears, laughing ever so hard. "What happened ?" I ask, very confused. He calms down and says "That's hilarious, because I also plan on proposing to you soon". We both laughed our heads off and sigh. "Lord, why are we like this?". I said. "I don't know but I love this and I wouldn't have us any other way." he says. "Me too". I grin and peck his lips.

[A/N: I (tried to) draw the rings and bracelets but because I am not very artsy, I didn't do too good a job of it]

Word count: 1542 words (I need to stop before I make it crazy high lmao but oh well, I enjoy dashing in large chunks of unprepped stuff to give info to you lovely readers)

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Word count: 1542 words (I need to stop before I make it crazy high lmao but oh well, I enjoy dashing in large chunks of unprepped stuff to give info to you lovely readers).

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