Chapter 49

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Piya's POV

I wake up at the middle of the night to drink water as I felt trusty. I saw Misha sleeping occupied half of the bed but Alina was nowhere to be seen. I heard a sound from Window and turned to see a smiling Natasha coming through it.

Piya : Natasha when you came?

Natasha : Sometimes before with Bhai to repair the damage your fiancé did to the bed of next room. Now its not time for 20 questions get ready quickly if you want to be part of a important discussion regarding our world.

I really wanted to know everything about the world where Abhay belongs so quickly I got ready and we left to greeted by bhai, Jeh, Alina, and my Abhay. I made face after seeing Jeh as I am still angry at him for interfering our personal matter, went to bhai to greet and then seat beside Abhay in a wooden log who kept an arm in my shoulder.

Abhay : now start Natasha. We can't arrange refreshments now.

Natasha : oh sure we can. (She with her magic generate six different glasses two of same types. Bhai filled two large glass with chilled blood, Natasha poured Coca-Cola in two medium size glass with ice and a smoking green liquid in two small but too fat glass) please feel free to take according to your taste and we are ready to start our long discussion.

As expected bhai and Abhay took glasses of blood me and Natasha Coca-Cola Jeh and Alina that green liquid. Everyone started to look Natasha who took the anchoring position.

Abhay : will you please start Natasha. My patience level is decreasing rapidly.

Natasha : I want to ask some questions before I tell the information we know. Piya Abhay did you guys made love thrice in one day only??

Abhay : that's personal and private Natasha.

Natasha : it should be but unfortunately it is already known by maximum powerful supernatural creatures that you mated 3 times already. I was only curious that in one day!!

Abhay : what are you saying Natasha??

Natasha : I will answer my lord but before I want to ask Jeh and Alina. Did you guys feel any change??

Jeh : yes I felt a power flow and energy level change around us. You vampires become more powerful than before specially Abhay.

Alina : I felt a huge change had took place in supernatural world. I knew beforehand that after they became mate when Piya remain still human Abhay would gain lots of power but he looks too much powerful.

Abhay : what. How it related at all??

Natasha : first you tell us Abhay did you felt any change?

Abhay : yes. I felt like some strange vive is entering in my body as elements of nature is transmitting their energy inside me. Each and every moment I am feeling more power inside me as my soul attracting power and energy from nature and other distant creatures and consuming it. I can feel things in more acute level and from more distance. Can see colours of people's aura and sheild layers of supernatural creatures along with their thoughts crystal clear. What's wrong is going on.

Natasha : bhai he got powers of mother nature also. (turned to all of us) Abhay you got immense power after your thrice mating with Piya. You become so much powerful that against your wish nobody can locate you or connect you, no magic will work on you, now you heal anyone with your mere touch or wish, your furry could destroy anything and so many.

Abhay : what nonsense are you talking!

Natasha : 4 most powerful trackers of council couldn't track you, Di couldn't detect your presence, uncle and bhai couldn't connect you through mental link after several tries before you called and the mobile tower may be destroyed as you don't wish anybody to reach you. Your one casual blow did that much damage to a powerful werewolf like Jeh and you yourself healed his internal injuries.

Abhay : God how that happened?

Natasha : Lord Rehan, Lord Niranjan, 2 more ancient wise ones of council, 2nd in command and 3rd in command along with some other powerful Vampire council members are waiting for you in home. They can explain you how and why better but apparently the fact is Royal thrown of international Vampire Court refused to accept Previous Queen Samantha as its rightful owner and crown fell down. According to royal court and council the thrown and crown chosen you as next Vampire Ruler, The Vampire King. Royal court members and previous queen Honorable Lady Samantha are on their way to our home for you your highness.

Abhay, I, Jeh, Alina all were shocked and surprised with the news. Abhay has chosen as next Vampire King by Royal Thrown and Crown. Alina broke the silence first

Alina : if power shifted in the Vampire world then why I feel that something far more big also took place? As everyone's position changed place.

Natasha : You are a witch along with being a werewolf. You felt that because High-Witch Queen Linda lost her position as Supreme Power and as you assume that position also belongs to Abhay only. Witch and Wizard Royal court confirmed it and important members of them as well as Queen Linda herself is coming to Dehradun to acknowledge Abhay personally.

Realization hit me Abhay got so many position and responsibility along with his newly gained power. He would be busy and I wouldn't get his time at all. He read my mind turned to me pulled me in his arms and looked at me with love filled eyes assuring me that I will be his first priority. Before he could say anything I heard

Sidharth : Don't be afraid of losing him Piya. Now you are mates and mates are inseparable. You will be crowned as our rightful Queen after your marriage when you will be turned. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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