The room was filled with men ranging from the ages of about seventeen to sixty. All the men were incredibly fit with bulging muscles and were dressed in all black outfits with a gold watches. I unconsciously crept closer to Caleb before I caught hold of myself.

A guy close to the door caught sight of me and stopped in his tracks. He sent me a small smirk before jumping on a table and cupping his hands around his mouth.


Immediately, thousands of eyes turned to look at the door and more specifically, at me.

The sound in the room stopped. It didn't wind down into silence. It just stopped.

I looked at Caleb,  uncomfortable under the stares of the whole cafeteria.

Caleb moved to join the food line so I  grabbed a plate from the stand and followed him. He let me in the space in front of him 

Immediately I stepped in, a guy with a shaved head, dropped his plate and moved away. This carried on until it was just Caleb, Jaydel, Des and I on the line.

I quickly collected my food, ignoring the wary looks from the servers and extremely conscious of the eyes on me.

As I passed other tables people sent me terrified looks and moved their chairs as far away as possible. It made me feel guilty but... powerful. Very powerful.

I slowly started to return their gazes and looked each person straight in the eyes until they turned away. The feeling I felt before came back but the feeling wasn't rage but a sort of dominance, a need to oppress these people around me. I quickly push it down, shocked at my thoughts.

We finally stopped at a table with five people sitting in it. They were well-built so I assumed they were guys. Four of them looked about my age but the other man was much older.

Caleb gave a small bow and addressed them.
"High Trainer Globe, Master Aristos, Master Vallaci, Master Eltelln and Master Salden," Caleb said gesturing to each of them, "I would like to introduce High Master Cronus," Caleb said pointing to me.

High Master Cronus, it has a nice ring to it.

Immediately, all of them turned to me. I was surprised to see that there was a girl among them. She was the one who Caleb called Master Vallaci.

She was just as fit as the other guys and had an inquiring look on her round face and bright green eyes.

She had straight, thin blond hair and was wearing a baggy hoodie and sweatpants, all of which were black. I was surprised that she wasn't wearing the same uniform as the rest of the people in the room. In fact, everyone on the table, except the older guy, was wearing their own clothes.

They were all just staring at me and I didn't know what to do so I waved at them. They all ducked, along with the people sitting on the three tables closest to us. I slowly lowered my hand and turned to Caleb giving him a confused look. Caleb just shook his head at me and mouthed the word 'wait'. He suddenly left and went towards a stage where a man was standing.

I was left with these people who were straightening from the ducked positions.

Caleb jumped on the stage and whispered to a man. The man went up to the microphone at the front of the stage, cleared his throat and started to speak.

"Good day CAVES, there has been some panic over the presence of High Master Cronus. I assure you she will not harm any of you. So please, relax and behave as you would on a usual day. Oh, and please endeavour to keep to your own plate , we do not want a repeat of last Tuesday's lunch." The crowd laughed at this comment and slowly began to relax.

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