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Something is off with Kara tonight.

When Kent and I woke up in her bed a few days ago she seemed fine. We went our separate ways that morning but Kent was nervous. He thought he'd seen her packing a bag when he walked by her room but she came out later that afternoon and acted normal.

We ate dinner, watched TV with some popcorn thrown in before she scooped up Atti and went to bed. Grant and Holls were a little upset they were out when everything happened but thankful we were there for her.

Earlier tonight I saw her glaring in our direction, namely at a woman who had her hands on Grant. At the time I thought it was funny because not a single one of us have eyes for any woman but her.

But now it's not funny. It's been over an hour since she's come by our table. The new waitress has taken over and granted she's nice and professional, she's not Kara.

Instead, Kara is at some other table flashing smiles at the dickheads sitting there. Even as I'm watching she's got her hand on her hip as she laughs at something one of them says.

"Did she just twirl her fucking hair around her finger?" Holland snarls.

"She did and did she just brush her hand over that guy's arm? She never touches people like that." Grant turns to that he can watch everything more fully.

"Wait," I snap my fingers and I quickly look around the table. "Where's- Ah, fuck me." I cut myself off when I spot Kent stalk up behind Kara.

Grant grunts in approval as Holland laughs darkly. I don't make any noise but I do smirk as I lean back and watch.

Kent grabs Kara by the back belt loop on her little shorts and jerks her back so his front is plastered against her back. She startles, nearly dropping her tray but he deftly plucks it out of her hands. The hand holding her tray wraps around her middle as the other snakes up to wrap lightly around her throat.

Even from here I can see the beautiful blush staining her cheeks as he leans over her to whisper something in her ear. Pulling back, he hits her with a full grin and breaks all contact. Without missing a beat he makes his way back to us, her tray still hanging lazily in his hand.

She stares after him a moment, her lips parted and eyes wide. Composing herself, she quickly turns back to the table of guys and starts talking again. She waves her hand in the air by her head before laughing, then makes her way to us.

Her steps are purposeful and heavy, her eyes narrowed slightly. Kent is splayed out in his seat, her tray haphazardly tossed on our table, and he's wearing a giant grin.

"What the hell, Kent? You can't do that!"

"I don't like to be ignored, Slugger."

"I wasn't ignoring you, it's called doing my job."

"Is flirting with patrons part of your job?" Holland asks lazily. I quirk my brow at his calm tone as he slowly spins his beer bottle on the table.

"No, it's a perk." Kara snarks before reaching out to grab her tray.

Quick as a snake, Holland reaches out to wrap his hand around her wrist.

"Watch it, Kara."

"Or what?" She challenges him. Her own eye narrow in defiance.

People around us are starting to look so I tap the table twice. Holland immediately releases her with a smile. Grant slowly stands, drawing Kara's attention.

"It seems like Kara doesn't want to be around us tonight. I know when my welcome is worn out so I'm leaving." His tone is even but I know him well enough to see the flash of hurt on his face and she does too.


He ignores her by spinning on his heels and walking away. Kara takes a small step back, her lips curling under in a frown as she watches him go. Holland stands next, followed by Kent, and they both make their way out.

Her shoulders sag as she looks down at her feet. I'm the last to stand and I easily toss money on our table to cover our tab. I step up next to her and feel her tense but she doesn't lift her gaze.

"Look at me." When her beautiful green eyes connect with mine I step even closer so that I can feel her breasts brush my chest with every breath she takes. "We don't like games, Kara. Watching you ignore us and flirt with other guys isn't something that we'll tolerate."

"You're not my brothers, Tyler."

I slowly lower my face until our lips barely brush. She sucks in a deep breath.

"We know." I press a soft kiss to her lips before backing away with a grin curling my lips upward. "See you at home, Angel."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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