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I listen to her move around in her room and I can’t help the scowl that pulls my face down. I don’t know what Tyler told her but I do know it was bad.

We should have been paying more attention to what the date was. It’s not an excuse but he’s always worse this time of year and with us worrying about Kara, I just forgot. I feel like an asshole for slamming him up against the wall but when I saw her running out in nothing but a towel, followed by Tyler’s stark naked ass I snapped.

Something tells me that girl has trauma and she doesn’t need more from him. Her screams still haunt me and now since it’s been pointed out, she does make a lot of noises at night. I’m ashamed that I didn't catch it being in the room right beside her but Tyler, who sleeps across the hall, did. Then again he doesn’t sleep at all most of the time. 

I breathe out a sigh of relief when I hear her TV come on and the sound of low voices hum out. She’s back and safe.

I shoot a text to the group chat letting them know she’s back and safe. Kent sends a happy face and Holland, being the control freak he is, sends back a picture of her work schedule. I don’t expect anything from Tyler since he’s drunk off his ass but I do see where he’s read it.

Not long after I hear Holland and Kent come in followed by the clang of dishes in the kitchen. I step out of my room, pausing between Kara and Tyler’s rooms. I hear Tyler murmured “Fuck off.” and the voices from Kara’s TV so I keep walking with my head hanging down. When I get to the living room, Kent is sprawled across the sofa with a bowl of popcorn on his stomach as he flips through channels in a never ending surf. 

“Don’t beat yourself up, Grant. You reacted to the situation and that’s what it is.”

I throw myself down next to him, smirking as he grunts when I jostle him. He throws a handful of popcorn at me and I happily pick it off my chest and eat it. Holland comes out of the kitchen with a bowl in his hand and takes a seat in the single recliner. 

“We all should have been paying more attention to the date.” I say after awhile. 

“We have our own shit going on, ” Kent argues back but it's half hearted at most. “He knows drinking never helps either.”

“No, Grant is right. We should have been paying better attention. He's always there for us, in his own way, and since we're all we have, well, we let him down. We all need to do better, him included.” Holland says it softly but I makes me hang my head because he's right. 

“I'll apologize again in the morning when he's had time to cool off.”

“Good man,” Holland nods at me with a small smile. 

My stomach grumbles and I have a heavy sigh. Holland moves to stand up, no doubt ready to cook something for me, but I wave him off. Rising to my feet I head to the kitchen and dig through everything we have. I decide on a simple pasta dish and a salad, making sure I have enough for everyone. Everyone including a tiny slip of a girl who probably won't even come out of her room for the rest of the night. 

I'm halfway through when I hear the front door open followed by two hellos from Holland and Kent. I pause briefly when footsteps head towards me and stop at the kitchen door. I keep working, waiting to see what will happen. I know I said I'd apologize but he can make the first move to see how things play out. 

“I know you're mad and me, Grant.” He sighs softly as he makes his way to the counter next to me. “I'm mad at myself. I was drunk, hurting and I wanted someone else to feel pain. Even if it was a small iota of pain at least I would be alone. Not that it's an excuse, but I would never touch a woman against her will.”

I turn the burner off and move the Alfredo to a cool burner so it doesn't overheat and dry out. I grab the lettuce and carrots I'd already prewashed and turn to face Tyler. I throw the lettuce at him and nod, telling him to get to work cutting it while I take charge of the carrots. I take my time in my answer, the steady sound of us chopping vegetables soothing, regardless of the heaviness of our conversation. 

“I don't doubt your integrity in that type of situation, Tyler. I know what you've been through and I know what hides in your past. Not a single one of us can stomach that type of behavior for good reasons.” I stop what I'm doing so I can stare him directly in his eyes. “It's the fact that you went after her. She's so pure and innocent, she didn't, and doesn't, deserve that type of vile hated spit at her. You walked in on her showering, berated her and made her cry. Not only that, you had the nerve to be mad at me for reacting the way I did to the situation. I should have paid closer attention, that's my fault and actions I can't take back. I'm sorry for not remembering but I'm not sorry for trying to protect her.”

“I know.” He looks down, his shoulders hunched. It's so odd to see him like this. Beaten down and deflated. He's always so rigid and unflinching that I forget he's like the rest of us, broken and healing. It's eye-opening. “I'll make sure to tell her I'm sorry. If she ever come back out of her fucking room.” His lip curls and in the span of two seconds he straightens back up. His back snaps straight and his shoulders jerk back as he shakes his head. 

I hear his muttered fucking hell and smirk to myself. 

“Dinner.” I call out softly know that the others are listening, Kent immediately muted the TV when Tyler walked this way.

“Always a nosey bastard, that brother of yours.” Tyler grunts and I can't help but nod in agreement. 

“That's rude, Ty-Ty.” Kent sings as he runs in, wrapping his arms around Tyler and lifting him off the ground in a hug. 

“I have a knife and I will use it on you!” Tyler shouts but the smirk on his lips proves it's a lie. 

“I'll get the first aid kit then.” Holland jokes along as he walks past to grab plates. 

“I thought you were better than this, Ty-Ty.” Kent drops Tyler back on his feet as he mournfully shakes his head. “I thought our bromance was stronger than threats.” 

Kent holds a serious expression for two seconds before he bursts out in laughter. I chuckle as I finish the carrots and toss them in the bowl Tyler set out. Kent grabs glasses and fills our normal drinks of choice while Holland has plates, napkins and forks ready to go. Tyler grabs dressing and they wait while I finish everything up by adding cherry tomatoes to the house salad. 

We plate our food and make our way back to the living room. We rarely use the kitchen table since it brings up memories of stuffy dinners and unrealistic expectations for all of us. Tyler and Kent go back and forth on what to watch until Holland gets tired of it and puts on a rerun of a cage fight. 

I know the likelihood of it is slim but I still keep my ear and eye out for a small slip of a girl who's managed to worm her way into my heart. 

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