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The night carries on and I keep my distance from the guys, except for dropping an ice pack at their table when no one was looking. Since the servers keep hanging around, fawning over them, I don't worry about picking up their empties. Before I could even think of going over there, one of them pop up to chat.

It's fine by me though, seeing as I went full weirdo on Tyler.

I weave in and out of the crowd, expertly swiping glasses, plates and wiping down tables. Since we're so packed I've even had to bring out foodstuff. Normally I'm only on clean up but I don't mind the tips finding their way into my pocket for tables I ended up serving while they were here.

By the time the night is over, I'm exhausted and my feet hurt. Currently I'm rubbing my heel and looking down at my threadbare shoes. I need a new pair, maybe with more cushion in them since I'm on my feet so much. Sighing, I shove my foot back inside it and begin closing duties.

The band left an hour ago and the last call was thirty minutes after that. We just got the last of stragglers out but I do notice the guys are still in their booth. Hannah chooses that moment to lightly jog over to me.

“Hey, just so you know, we put our tips into a pile at the end of the night and split them between all of us.” She looks at me expectantly while I raise my brow at her.

I know for a fact they don't do that. The only reason she's telling me this is because I got tips and they were too busy shoving their body parts at my guys. The guys, not my guys. Damnit.

“Well, come dump your tips and we'll dump ours.” She turns with a smug smile on her face and begins to walk over to the other girls. When she sees them frowning she looks back at me. “Kara, come on.”

“I know for a fact that you don't split tips.” I tilt my head at her, waiting.

Her lips pull down in a scowl while the other girls look anywhere but at me.

“How would you know? You're not a server, just a bus girl.”

“That's funny, seeing as I had to do your job most of the night. I earned my tips fair and square and I will not be splitting them with any of you. Maybe next time you will all stick to your tables and not harass my roommates. Perhaps then your tips will be better.”

She advances on me but I don't give any ground. “Listen here, you little shit. I don't know who you think you are but I'm the head server and you do what I tell you to do.”

Smirking, I lean into her. “I'm not a server.” With that I turn and start cleaning down the bar.

There's silence for a few seconds then the other girls start their own cleaning. Hannah storms off, slamming the back door when she steps outside. Rolling my eyes I keep on about my business.

When I clock out the guys get up and follow me out the back. Grant throws an arm over my shoulder and I sink into him, soaking up his warmth. Kent bounds up on my other side humming Bohemian Rhapsody. I smile at him, liking his choice.

“What's that smile for, cutie?” Kent grins back at me. A small thrill shoots through my body at him calling me that.

“I like that song.”

“You better like that song. You can't trust people who don't like that song.”

“There are people who don't like that song? Thunderbolts and lighting, that's very very frightening.” Kent whips his head to look at me while Grant chuckles deeply.

“I knew it! You're more than meets the eye and I like it!” He points at me then bursts out singing at the top of his lungs.

Tyler rolls his eyes while Holland shakes his head once when Kent starts dancing as he walks. I let out a small laugh, covering it behind my hand. When we stop beside Holland's Range Rover and I don't see any of the other guy's cars, I know they all rode together. Kent climbs in the backseat first and Grant shoves me in behind him, then follows and shuts the door. Tyler is relaxed in the passenger seat as he peers out the window and Holland is driving.

One the way back home, Holland looks back at me. “You hungry?”

“No, I’m fine.” I have noodles in my room for my dinner.

“You didn’t eat anything.” Grant slants his eyes at me.

“Yeah, you barely stopped all night.” Kent nods, still humming songs under his breath.

“I’m fine, I have stuff to eat.”

“Noodles don’t count as food.” Tyler barks with a snort.

“Yes, they do.”

“No, they don’t.”

“Then why are they sold as food?”

“You can’t live off of noodles, Kara.”

“I said I was fine, Tyler.” I cross my arms defensively over my chest and look past Grant out his window.

“I-” Tyler turns in his seat to glare at me but Kent cuts him off.

“I’m hungry. Holls, hit up a drive-thru.”

“You got it.” Holland flicks his blinker on, pulling straight into a 24 hour drive-thru.

“Whatcha want, Kara? I know these idiots’ orders by heart.”

“I’m not hungry.” I snap. I know it’s not Holland I’m mad at but I can’t help but be defensive.

“Don’t be like that, cutie. We’re all getting something so what do you want?”



“Leave her alone, Grant. She said she didn’t want anything so she won’t get anything. If she wants her noodles, then she can just eat her fucking noodles.” Tyler growls.

I squeeze my arms tighter around myself and keep my gaze out the window the whole time we’re in line. When Holland orders, he turns to look at me briefly but when I don’t respond, he lets out a sigh and completes his order. The whole way back is quiet and full of tension, the smell of delicious food filling my lungs with each breath.

My stomach growls just as Holland throws the rover into park and I can feel eyes on me.

“Can you let me out, please?” I ask Grant when no one moves to get out.

He hesitates for a few seconds before popping his door open. As soon as he’s out, I shove past him and head for the elevator doors and smash the button with my finger. I can feel them walk up behind me as the doors ding open and I step inside, staying to the front by the button panel. When we’re all in, I hit the button for our floor and wait as the doors close. It’s a tense ride and by the end, my stomach is in knots.

As soon as the doors open I’m out and heading to the apartment door like my life depends on it. I have my key ready so it takes me no time to open it and step inside. I hear them mumbling behind me but I make a beeline for my room, only stopping when I hear a soft meow from outside. Turning, I ignore them as they file in and open the sliding door to let Atti in. I scoop her up so I can bury my face in her soft fur.

“Kara,” Holland calls as I make my way to my room.

“Let her go.” Tyler says as something slams down loudly beside me.

Without thought, I flinch and curl down over Atti protectively. Silence rings out so I hedge towards the hall not bothering to look at any of them. When no one comes after me I speed up, rush into my room and slam the door closed. As soon as it’s closed I hear them start talking, their voices slightly raised.

I set Atti down and slide my locks closed. I open one of my noodle cups and pour in some water from a bottle I have, then set it to the side and let it soak. I feed Atti, change into a large t-shirt and crawl into my bed. Turning my TV on, I press play and snuggle down into the bed as my movie starts playing.

Atti finishes her food and curls up next to me. I stir my noodles around, eating them when they're ready. I'd prefer them warm but I'm not leaving my room until I have to. I don't want to face the guys after what happened tonight.

I hear them moving around the apartment and even hear someone pause outside my room before hearing Grant’s door close. I let out a soft sigh of relief when no one else does that as they all eventually make their way to bed.

With Atti curled up in my arms and a movie playing, I finally drift off to sleep.

*I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far. Don't be shy and leave a comment if you feel like it. Thanks for reading 💙*

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