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Elijah growled as his eyes flashed red, making Lilly flinch.

“You're pathetic, you know that? Trying to act like you're not afraid of me but we both know you are.” He growled.

Lilly rolled her eyes, spitting at his feet. “Do you get a kick out of hurting women or something?” she asked in a bored manner.

Elijah growled softly and gripped her neck tightly, lifting her in the air, making her gasp for breath as she began her kick and struggle to get free. “Oh, i haven’t even begun to hurt you but if you don't tell me what i wanna know. I will gladly begin to hurt you. Now tell me what I wanna know.” Elijah snapped.

Lilly gave a sickly sweet smile before spitting in his eye, she watched as Elijah gave a growl of anger before wiping at his eye where the spit landed. “Alright, bitch. You wanna play? Then let’s play.” He said, darkly.

A short while Elijah stood over Lilly's now beaten body, with her ripped wings in his hand as she laid on the floor sobbing in pain, He let out a mocking whimpering sound as he kneeled beside her as blood slowly pool around her as she laid on the floor.

“It's a shame you didn’t tell me what I wanted to know. You know them wings were pretty. Now you're gonna tell me what I wanna know before I start pulling other things out.” He said calmly, almost like he didn’t just cause a fae, a world of pain by ripping out her wings. 

Lilly took a deep breath trying not to scream out in pain as she did. “Fine, you asshole… He is in a barn in the middle of nowhere in the woods, a few hours from here.” She gasped as she struggled to breath, the light fading from her eyes.

Elijah let out a pleased huff as he watched the light fade from her eyes, he stood up and stormed out of the house. Elijah stopped short as he saw the witch who started this coming out of the diner he was in not too long ago, the whole reason Alyssa was missing in the place. He stormed over and pinned her against the side of the diner hearing her let out a fearful gasp as her back hit the side of the building.

“You…you're the reason she went missing, where is she?” He demanded. 

Bree’s eyes snapped to his eyes as she gulped “I-i dont k-know, i-i came b-back h-here to h-hopefully f-find her.” She managed to stutter out.

Elijah let out a growl and stepped back giving the witch enough space to breath.

“can't you find her with your magic? Didn't you find her near my mansion using your magic when you stole her from me? Hurry up and find her” he ordered.

Bree let out a huff and rolled her eyes

“Magic isn't that easy. I have to have the general location of the person to use the spell” she snapped angrily.

Elijah let out a sigh.

“She's in a barn. a few hours from here, Now hurry up and find her. The more time we waste standing around talking, the less time we have to save her” he said with annoyance.

He watched as the witch closed her eyes, mumbling under her breath for a few minutes before her eyes popped open as she let out a gasp of breath.

“I found her, let’s go.” She said in an urgent manner, grabbing his hand and with her other hand she snapped her fingers making a portal appear. She tugged him forward, charging through it.

A few moments went by before the portal opened allowing the witch and Elijah to step out. Elijah looked around seeing that they were in the woods just like the fae said the barn would be.

He raised an eyebrow as he saw a bright light floating in front of him.

“what the fuck is this?” he asked as he looked at the floating  light that was in front of him.

Bree looked to where he was and smiled as she saw the floating light.

“Ah, there it is,” she said in a cheerful  tone as she began to follow the light as it floated away. “By the way, my name is bree.” she said in a smug tone as she followed the blight as it floated away.

Elijah had to lightly jog to catch up to her.

“So, what is this thing and how is it gonna help us find alyssa?” he questioned as he walked beside her.

Bree looked over at him before she looked back the bright light as she kept following it as it floated away

“It's a holy tracking spell, that's right asshole, I can do holy magic” Bree explained “can you do holy magic? ” She questioned smug “oh that's right you can't do holy magic since you're the devil and all you do is evil shit” she said in a sarcastic tone.

Elijah let out a growl as his eyes flashed red and before she could even blink he grabbed her by the collar of her shirt slamming her against a tree.

“I would watch how you speak to me, you're only alive cause you're useful to me” he hissed in a quiet manner. He let go of her and pushed her to keep walking “Now keep walking and remember who holds your life in his hands” he snapped.

The two of them were walking for a few minutes before they reached the barn. They ducked down behind a bush as they heard the front door being jerked open and out stepped Josie and from where Elijah was, Josie did not look happy.

Elijah’s eyes went wide in shock and he felt betrayed as he realized the one person who he let close to him had a hand in stealing Alyssa. Elijah went to stand up to storm up to Josie when the door opened up again and he ducked down in time as Micheal stepped out.

“Is the spell working?” Elijah heard Josie ask.

Micheal was quiet for a few minutes.

“Yeah, it's working, when she saw me she looked like a bitch in heat, pulling at her chains to get to me and begging me to let her lose.” He let out a laugh before calming down as Elijah had to hold back a growl of anger at the thought of Alyssa in chains. “Did you have to slap her so hard? I can't have her all bruised up before the wedding.” Micheal snapped angrily. 

“I’m glad the spell worked and that your little toy wants you.” The sarcasm was clear in Josie's voice. “Now will you focus on the plan? Your brother could show up any moment, then what? And who cares if I slapped her. It's not like the wedding is real.” She snapped angrily.

Michael let out a growl. “I don't care if the wedding is fake to us. The wedding is real to the rest of the underworld and heaven. So therefore she must be in tip top shape,  so no more slapping her in the face!” Michael snapped.

Elijah couldn’t stand to hear any more, he rushed out from behind the bush he and Bree were hiding behind, he was almost in front of michael when suddenly his body froze.

He struggled to move as Josie walked in front of him.

“Well hello Elijah, it's nice to see you again.” Josie said coldly.

Elijah stopped struggling as he glared at her. “Why are you doing this? Alyssa didn't do anything bad to you. " Elijah growl.

Josie hissed as she glared at him. “Didn't do anything?! She stole you from me!” She screamed as her hands started shaking from anger.

Elijah was confused as he stared at her. “Stole me from you? You’re nothing but my maid. You don't mean nothing to me besides someone to clean up my messes.” He snapped.

Josie lets out a laugh as she shakes her head as anger fills her veins. “Oh, don't play dumb. I know you remember the night you broke my heart and killed my coven.” She snapped angrily and glared up at him. “You would have killed me too if I didn't manage to get away.” She continued to say.

Elijah gave her a confused look.“What in the hell are you talking about? We hadn’t met each other till you came to hell and came to work for me.” He said matter of factly.

Josie growled, placing her hands around his head forcing him to look at her. “Fine since you don't remember. I’ll make you remember” She snapped before her eyes turned white as she started chanting under her breath.

Elijah felt a burning pain in his head and let out a scream of pain as blood started trickling out of his eyes and ears. The pain slowly got worse as black dots started to appear in front of his eyes before his world slowly started to go black as his body slumped to the ground.

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