Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Let's go somewhere else" whispered Dillon to Isabelle, seductively.

Isabelle's heart started racing to the warmth of Dillon's breath lightly touching her ear. What about the party? you know what? who cares! this is my night I'll do whatever I want, thought Isabelle, trying to convince herself that it's okay to ditch her own party for a guy she's been waiting for, for too long. Biting her lip timidly Isabelle shrugged"Okay".

Dillon looked into her gleaming eyes then kissed her forehead, and paused for a moment letting his lips lay on it. At first, Isabelle thought this is romantic but then she started feeling awkward. Using her smart sarcasm, Isabelle tried to break the silence "What now? Is this your thinking pose?".

Dillon removed his lips slowly and chuckled "I'm sorry". I love how he's apologizing. I can't believe he's mine. Isabelle was quietly mesmerised.

A soft whisper suddenly passed her mind "why are you quiet?".

Isabelle finally did her move. She felt his cheek then playfully grabbed him from his scarf and started twisting it around her hand. Isabelle came closer and closer to him but just when their lips were about to touch, she playfully said "I don't feel like kissing you".

She fools around like a child, thought Dillon, thankful for knowing such a person. He was about to attack her but Isabelle intended to run slowly because she wanted him to catch her. Dillon grabbed her waist and groaned. Isabelle started laughing so hard that snores flew between her laughs. Dillon cracked and started laughing at her laugh, for she had one of the cutest funniest laughs, ever. They both ran out of breath but continued laughing, anyways.

"Dillon I can't stop laughing" said Isabelle, feeling so high.

Dillon barely spoke under his breath "Yeah me too". The little beloved kids finally stopped laughing after a hilarious struggle, and switched to the unstoppable love birds. 

Dillon started feeling his chest, giving himself a questionable look. Why do I constantly feel the urge to seek for revenge. why do I feel flames rising from my chest, burning every feeling it carries. He was suddenly interrupted by his, rather strange; yet, reasonable thoughts. Dillon forcefully shut his eyes, assuming it would reduce the heat in his chest.

With a concerned look, Isabelle asked "Dillon, are you okay?". Touching his arm, carefully studying his movement.

Dillon looked at her with his passionate deep eyes and thought to himself. Whenever she touches me, I'm all okay. I feel calm, again. And my desire for revenge becomes less less. All she wanted to do at this moment is to kiss him. All this time she's been wanting to make him feel better, whenever he's feeling down. To be perfect in his eyes, while all along she's been nothing, but perfect to him. Isabelle slowly studied his lips, then brushed off a few hairs off his forehead and finally met his lips. less less and less, desirable. Just when his lips met hers, he whispered softly, locking the moment with unforgettable words "I never knew you are so beautiful..".

Dillon was speaking under his heavy craving breath "I was a fool."

Yes you were!  Thought Isabelle with victory, staring at the ground, brushing the thought, irrevocably, off her mind.

He grabbed her chin and forced their eyes to meet and with a soft-spoken voice, Dillon let the words flow "It's okay to be honest".

Isabelle looked at him timidly then honestly said "Yes" and confidently continued "Yes you were". He gave her an "I'm sorry" look and they both hopped in the car, to go somewhere far. Somewhere, where they can express their love for each other, freely, considering they are both still tied to messed up relationships.

Dillon started the engines of the car and asked her excitedly "Where do you want to go?" massaging his hands to prevent it from getting cold.

Isabelle shrugged and said "I don't know-" Ummmm where do I wanna go? thought she, with curiosity.

"How about empire burger?" suggested Dillon.

Food, why not? Isabelle thought out loud "Food, why not?" and grinned.

As Dillon started driving Isabelle pointed at the stereo, and asked innocently "Is it okay if I turned the radio on?"

Dillon looked at her wanting to explode out of laughter "Of-course!". Music can indeed be a rather funny twist. (Thrift Shop- Macklemore Ft. Wanz) popped out of the radio.

Singing along, Isabelle gave him a childish look "Hey Macklemore can we go thrift shopping". Dillon flew into the lyrics, too, due to the irresistible look, she gave him.

Without taking any breaths They both looked at each other and started yelling the lyrics, excitedly "WHAT..WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT".

Of-course! they ran out of breath so they both took a deep breath and continued their insanity "I'm gonna pop some tags, only got twenty dollars in my pocket". A car suddenly horned to Dillon's subconsciousness. Isabelle gasped then they both looked at each other with surprise and started cracking. 

Dillon and Isabelle were quite for the rest of the trip, but Isabelle suddenly interrupted the silence and suggested  "Dillon I don't feel like eating, let's go somewhere else".

Thank God, because all I wanna do is kiss her up all night, thought Dillon thankfully and playfully. Pinching his shoulder "YOU PERV!" Isabelle yelled in his face, totally amused by his thoughts. Dillon chuckled, then stopped and focused on the road, for his vision was becoming narrow for no reason.

He started rubbing his eyes with a groan of pain. What's happening to him, what's happening to him. Isabelle's legs couldn't stop shacking. Her thumbs were crushed, because she couldn't stop massaging them, for she was extremely worried. The only words were tears. It spoke louder than anything. The car suddenly drifted and twirled to the side of the high way and all of sudden, every thing was BLACK.

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