Chapter 2

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What you feel is something you can't control. Confusion was Isabelle's only feeling. Sitting on the edge of her white bed, Isabelle was staring at her broken reflection on the mirror, silently. It's crazy how a person can make you feel. Isabelle was having continues thoughts. She promised herself, I won't let Dillon or Derek ruin my evening AND I'm going to that after party with a bright smile on my face. Isabelle switched her emotions, off as if she was numb.

She stood up and walked towards the closet. Flipping through the dresses, Isabelle's eyes were fixed on a beautiful black dress, that almost reached her knees. Except, Isabelle didn't like baggy dresses. But this one looked really stylish and catchy; because it was made of fabric chiffon and had a big bow just in the middle of the spine.

She mentally tried it on, and thought to herself wow...I look fab! she shook the thought of her head; because blond moments made her feel stupid.

Isabelle was whistling until she reached the shoe closet and stared for a moment, drumming her fingers on her chin. "AHA!" yelled Isabelle with delight. White high heels decorated with black flower graffiti.

Isabelle wore simple make up with light brown lipstick, and black feather ear-rings. She needed to add a final touch to her look. Isabelle reached her favorite perfume (Lover-Dose by Diesel) and sprayed enough, that people from a little distance can strongly sniff it. Isabelle almost left the room until she realized, she hadn't fixed her hair,yet! Isabelle pulled it up in a high ponytail and let down little curled up sections from the sides.

Isabelle ran downstairs because she was pretty late for the "after party". Brad caught her this time and refused to get tricked by her sarcasm, again.

"Isabelle!" Said Brad demandingly.

Isabelle replied to him with the exact same tone "Dad!".

Brad studied her face expression, mostly her eyes "Are you okay Isabelle?" Brad crossed his arms waiting for an answer.

Isabelle sighed out of frustration and then carelessly said "Some things are better admired from far".

Brad directly thought she wanted to buy something but didn't have enough money, and was shy to ask her dad for it. So he reached for his wallet and handed her 200$. Isabelle reassured him with exhaustion "Dad! it's someone" referring to Dillon, and prevented him from giving her the money. She gave her dad a warm hug and left.

Isabelle drove to the cliff, where she peacefully cleared her mind. The night was so calm. The skies were as clear as the ocean in the dark nights. The wind was so soothing. The stars are embellishing the clear skies. Isabelle stood there, admiring the view. Flying with her imagination, Isabelle sighed to Dillon's absence. Love is supposed to make you happy, instead it only leaves you with tears. But that's what makes you stronger, right? Isabelle was having an honest conversation with her conscience.

Her admiration was cut by the sound of a car getting closer. Isabelle turned around and found him. He started walking towards her with his muscular body. He was wearing a black leather jacket and a grey shirt that matched his cold grey eyes.

Isabelle warmly said "Hey" and fixed her eyes on his.

When he was finally close enough , he started brushing off the few hairs she let loose, from her face. He was the kind of a person who had a warm heart but didn't know how to use it; because of a rough childhood he experienced. All of a sudden they were both drawn into each other's arms. Both, craved love, but not from each other. They felt safe being around each other, though. As the wind kept patting them they kept hugging each other, tighter with much will.

Isabelle looked at him "Derek, Are you alright?" she asked concernedly.

Derek looked at her with lots of love to give, cupping her face "Why wouldn't I be?" and continued helplessly "I've got you". God may not give you everything but he surely gives you something, thought Isabelle knowing she's lying to herself. She kissed him, because that's all she could do. She doesn't want to lie to him.

"I think we are late for the party" said Isabelle, rushing through the words. Derek knew for sure she didn't share the same feelings, but he had to try. They walked towards the car door, both trying to walk next to each other. It was getting pretty intense; because it just wasn't right for either of them, to keep drowning in this relationship.

Before she opened the car door he whispered in her ear "by the way, you look beautiful" and looked at her with a seductive gaze.

Isabelle bowed "Thank you". Maybe there's a shred of hope.

Isabelle almost forgot about her car. She pointed at it stupidly, and asked him sarcastically "and my car is gonna drive itself to my house?"

Derek did a heavy laugh but Isabelle gave him a look; because she wasn't trying to crack a joke. He coughed to avoid awkwardness "I'll" and pointed at the car then continued, trying not to stutter "I'll send someone to pick it up"

Isabelle smiled innocently and replied with pleasure "Thank you Derek!". He made a few calls and hopped in the car.

He's all she thinks about. Isabelle can't stop thinking about the hilarious conversations between them. They insulted one another the whole time but ended up laughing at each other, instead of making big deals out of it. She always calls him girly nicknames, and he always calls her "the short one". She and Dillon had such a wonderful friendship. Someone suddenly electrocuted her thoughts by grabbing hold of her hand. Isabelle gasped as she was staring at the miraculous view from the car window, and then sighed with relief to Derek's smile.

He tried to pacify her, with a grin on his face "Don't worry it's me, Derek!".

Isabelle lied and reassured him "I know" then broke off the eye contact and continued staring at the view. Isabelle was like a free prisoner. She was allowed to feel, but only for one person. Derek. She was a prisoner of her own thoughts. Isabelle was breathing deeply. Some thoughts are inseparable. The cliff was 5 minutes away from the party. They decided to have it in one of the guys cabins, which was luckily next to her favorite spot. The cliff.

"Over here" pointed Isabelle towards the parked cars next to the cabin.

Derek Parked his silver beetle and took a quick look at himself in the mirror. Such an egoist, thought Isabelle.

Isabelle reassured him "You look great Derek! Now let's go". Such a hypocrite, thought Dillon, throwing the thought back to her.

As a kid he's been living with a cruel woman. He never likes to refer to her as his mother; because she's always blamed him for her misery. She was disgusted by him; therefore, she never hugged him or talked to him. All she did was yell in his face and sometimes even forget about his existence. Of-course he never told anyone about it. Not even Isabelle! because; that's Derek. The mysterious tough, guy who no one can get under his skin. Derek didn't need anyone's compliments. He's always been capable of differentiating a lie from a complete truth. As a kid Derek was finally in an appropriate state to tell people about his situation. He didn't hesitate for a moment. Then No longer than 2 weeks child services finally separated him from his mother, and transferred her to rehab. They claimed that his mother has been under drug usage for a long time and that the effects were badly affecting her behavior. He always hated that part of his past. Ever since that day, Derek hasn't heard a word from that woman. Derek was left under the category of foster-care. Until his biological father finally appeared. Apparently he had no idea, he was a dad. But with Derek's effort he finally found his dad, and was proud of it. At first his dad didn't approve of the idea that he had a son. Before he became a decent cop he was a guy with several one night stands. Later on, something triggered him into being a decent man, he just never mentioned what it was. Secrecy was his identity. He suspected that there's a big possibility, he's his son. He wasn't convinced yet, until he took a few DNA tests and knew Derek Cole was his son. Jeremy Cole, finally lend a hand and let him in his heart and life. Jeremy Cole made up for all the years he's been kept away from his son. He applied for a school. Later on, when Derek turned 13 they ended up living In Colorado. He went to the same school as Isabelle's. That's where they met. Sometimes the pain of the past becomes your only shadow.

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