Chapter 15

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Trigger warning for violence

"It's better if you stay put. I don't want to hurt you more than necessary." The man said to me, with a gun pointed to my chest. We could be talking about the weather for how normal and unfazed he sounded. I was looking at him in a panic state of desperation. He was dressed so commonly and had such a nice, calm voice, one would never think he was capable of such darkness.

But I sensed the danger of that gun aimed at me with the intention to kill.

I didn't know how I was still standing in my two feet because I felt like my head was about to explode from the terror I was feeling. In a minute I was cleaning the back room from Melissa's shop, and the next one I sensed a presence entering the room. When I turned around, a man wearing a hospital mask and a cap partially covering his eyes, was closing the door behind him.

It must be just a nightmare, I thought. It must not be true. I had a sense of disconnection with reality because this could not be really happening to me. I must be on my apartment, sleeping. I can't be trapped in a room alone with an armed man. My heart started to beat and I felt dizzy with fear.

I raised my hands in a gesture of surrender and screamed in panic, trying to retreat to be as far away as possible from him. I was terrified. He looked deadly intent on making me harm.

"Please, don't hurt me! Stay away from me! Help!" I cry out in desperation, not knowing if it was a futile effort on my part. Thank God Melissa left earlier today! But there was a security outside the salon waiting to follow me home! Maybe he didn't notice the guy entering the shop? Maybe he could help me? Please God, let him help me.

"No, no. No screaming. I hate when the women scream. It's not going to help, little lady. Your security friend is unavailable to come on your aid right now." This words makes me tremble in shock. I fall to my knees, not knowing what was really happening here. Who is this man? Why is he here? My God, what do I do?

"I wonder..." He says with an almost entertained voice. "What does a beautiful little miss like you did to be a target? It was not easy to find you alone, you know? It took me some time. That man of yours was always around messing with my schedule. But he is off limits so..." He pauses, giving a hard laugh. "Shall we go now?"

What is he talking about? My God! Someone paid him to do this to me?!

"No!" I cry again, pressing my back to the wall. I wished to fall down and cover my head, pretending this nightmare would end if I did so.

I was alone and had no means to fight. Nicholas was gone for one week and was expected to be back by today or tomorrow. He kept checking on me, sending me messages, talking about his day and activities. The last time I talked to him was only two hours ago.

I wonder if it would be our final conversation? I wonder if I am not going to see him ever again? Nicholas, why can't we have just a normal, happy life?

I was crying in desperation now and kept shouting at the man constantly "no, no, no!", and he was showing signs of increasing annoyance with my fighting. He moved in my direction with intent and I noticed some ropes on his hands. That's when I started to scream and to kick him like a madwoman but he just grabbed me by the legs, turned me around and tied my hands and arms tightly.

His strength surpassed mine without questioning and he slapped me one time with brutal force when I tried to bit him in the arm.

He put a tape over my mouth and started to drag me away from the room. I tried to force him to stop using the weight of my body but he pulled my hair with violence, forcing me to comply with his orders.

My face was throbbing painfully and the tears were rolling through my eyes freely and desperately. I knew I would lose everything if I let this man take me with him. I knew I would not have any chances then. But, when I tried again to kick, he punched me in the side of my head and I felt to the ground with a painful, muffled cry.

I had this vision of blood on the ground. It looked so dark and hideous I closed my eyes to not look at it anymore.

The man took me by the hair with brutality but a crashing sound took his attention from me and I heard his voice hissing a thunderous "fuck!" when he was suddenly grabbed with a headlock by a powerful, flaming force named Nicholas.

I was on my side on the ground, having the clear vision of Nicholas fighting with my agressor with pure savagery and raging bloodthirsty. He had him locked in a headlock and was dragging him down to the ground, with the man trying desperately to free himself from his brutal hold.

I was trying to get on my knees with great pain and difficulty when, suddenly, Nicholas eyes turned to mine and I saw a light of pure rage and craziness take hold of his face.

His teeth were exposed like one wild animal ready for the kill and suddenly he screamed in a barbaric fashion that made me fear him for a second, so high was the level of his aggression. He looked like a feral, dangerous creature with his elegant, black coat contrasting wildly with the situation.

"Close your eyes," he said with a strained but strangely, contained voice and I obeyed !immediately, incapable of continuing to look at the scene taking place in front of me.

I just heard the sounds of a body being smashed over and over again and the struggle between two persons fighting with violence.

After some minutes, I feel terrified to hear the sound of a gun being fired and then, there is silence. When I turn my head to look, I feel Nicholas body pressed warmly against mine, and he powerfully raises me on his arms and takes me away to another room. I am shocked, cold, terrified, and shattered... but I am safe. I am not going to die. I lose all the force of my body and feel like I don't have any more control over myself.

I immediately start to cry. Nicholas sits on the ground with me on his lap and takes away the tape from my mouth, freeing me from the ropes, while saying words of soothing on my ears.

"It's okay, I am here. I am here sweetheart. Don't worry about anything. You were so brave, so brave. I am so proud of you. It's okay now. I am here." One of his hands was holding me firmly at him, the other one was now holding his phone. I vaguely heard him calling the police and the ambulance.

I couldn't contain my cry and sobs and was painful aware of my state of shock and desperation. But Nicholas embrace was absolutely comforting and the words he kept saying were entering my mind like medicine.

"It's going to be okay. No one is going to hurt you anymore. I am going to protect you at all costs. My love... My love... It's okay. You are safe."

The rise and fall of his chest and gentle, calming voice was consoling me, little by little.

The last thing I remember hearing him say on the phone was the most strange conversation. "You know what to do now and I want it done by tomorrow. Just call me with the news, don't care what explanations will be released. Make sure there are no mistakes."

After this, I sensed others entering the room and I just remember feeling Nicholas embrace and strength till the end. I was safe.

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