Traumatic days

17 0 10

"Mama, papa. I wanna go out." I said.

"Sure, your uncle Yuri will go with you." Papa said.

I heard him scoff a little but still gone with me. "You better hurry up, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah..."

"And wash your hands after!" He reminded me.

While I was in the middle of getting it all out, I heard a lady talking saying that she's gonna find her. I was sure that wasn't mama because I would hear her thoughts far away with papa.

When I was done, I flushed it then went out to one of the cubicle. I use my tiptoes to increase some height of me so I can wash my hands. I noticed on how that lady looks at me and it's like she's observing me.

"Yeah, her hair turned pink, I know." She said while looking at me.

I look at her reflection only to realized that she was one of them. One of those bad guys who experimented me. Tortured me. 

I immediately walked away to dry my hands but she just don't know when not to stare at people. 

When I was about to exit the ladies' room she suddenly grab me by my shoulder.

"What's you name kid?"

"Sorry, I don't talk to strangers." I said trying to get away but she just got forceful. "Can you please let me go?"

Her watch then made a little sound as it turned into green.

"Hello, ma'am? Are you still there?"

I heard the man spoke from the other line.

"Nothing to worry anymore." She said as her grip got tighter. "I got her now."

"Please, let me go..." I beg.

"No, you are going with me, subject 007." She said.

She put a handkerchief on my mouth and I my vision got blurry until everything just went black.

I was taken aback when I finally open my eyes knowing that this place isn't what she wanna be.

"Oh, subject 007. You're finally awake." A man with white long polo said. 

I turn to my surrounding and I saw a bunch of kids of my age in a cage. Some of them were older and a lot older. But in my cage, they're like on my age.

"Fear not, subject 007, you are safe here." He said trying to make me feel better but he's wrong. 

"Where am I?" I just found my voice after all the pain and fear thoughts I heard from the others.

"The place where you should be in the first place." He answered while writing on his paper. "Oh, by the way, you are not going anywhere this time, subject 007." He said with a smile.

When he left that's when I realized on how much of a pound my heart is making. I am getting scared. An emotion and a feeling that I have never felt since Loid got me out from that orphanage.

"Wow, you're really brave..." A girl said and I just got confused.

Brave? Me? I mean, yeah, I am brave, but they have no idea how scared I am right now.

"She means to say that, no one has ever said anything to any of them like that..."

I realized that all of us were all girls. No boys... just girls.

"Where are we? Really?"

"We are in a laboratory."

"But above us is an orphanage home for girls only."

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