Chapter One: Part Six [1]

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"Please, help us stop her."

She spoke no word and turned around. She gestured her hands and she wrapped herself with psychokinetic force. She flew up and pushed herself over the wall. On the other side, she saw an army of creians walking in the middle of the field. They were perfectly lined up horizontally behind Arlette like she was commanding them. They were all headed for the Executive Building, where Myross, Vinceo, and the others were hiding; and the Sacred Tree were located.

"Myross could be telling the truth," she thought. But she was still unconvinced.

She landed near Arlette's army and as she dropped herself on the ground, she released a pulse of shockwave that made them stop. They turned around in unison and their blank faces greeted, even Valtor, Renie, and Cyan looked like mindless puppets. They were not moving; just waiting for a command.

"These are the creians enlisted for the Averius Program. They are the most dangerous of our kind. She will use them to end us and weaponize the Sacred Tree. Imagine what she could do if she had all the powers of the Sacred Tree?" Myross said as his image appeared by her side.

"What took you so long?" Arlette asked, approaching her.

"I made sure everyone's dead outside the wall," she lied. Arlette gave her a look as if she was reading her mind. Now she realized she looked at her and the others were different.

If Myross was telling the truth about Arlette manipulating them, then she deserves to suffer, not these guards, doctors, and scientists they left everywhere to die. If what he showed were what happened that day, then she was fighting on the wrong side; she believed in lies, that she had been killing the innocents; and helping the enemy.

"You seemed so troubled, Mycenia." Arlette gave her a suspicious look as she stood in front of her.

"Don't worry. As long as I'm here, she can't hear your thoughts, and she can't control you like how he controlled the others. But I can't protect your mind anymore if she will be enhanced by the Sacred Tree.

"What are we really doing here?" she asked.

"Saving Vinceo and the others." 

"I think you should leave. You already have your people now. Let me save Vinceo alone so we can go our separate ways," she said. "We already had our revenge. Look around. This place will never get back up anymore. What more do you want?"

"The others are still in there. We will never leave any survivors. I will not stop until this island will be gone on the face of this world.."

"You can leave them to me. I can do that."


"Then I'm sorry."

She punched the ground and released a wave of psychokinetic force, sweeping Arlette and her army away. She ran as fast as she could and headed towards the Executive Building, but she screamed when an excruciating pain hit her on her back. She fell to her knees and dropped to the ground, shaking uncontrollably as Valtor electrocuted her.

Her body's way of reacting to pain caused her to release another pulse of psychokinetic force, blocking Valtor's electricity. She helped herself back up and faced them. She raised her hands and sent a wave of psychokinetic force pushing Arlette and her army, trying to blow them away. The dead bodies on the ground were carried away; even the grasses were plucked out, along with the pebbles and grains of the surface of the ground. But Arlette and her army remained where they stood as one of them began counteracting her force.  Her hands began to shake uncontrollably. She felt a streak of blood flowing out of her nose again as her head began aching. She can't hold them that much longer.

She redirected her left hand, lessening the force she was blowing. She concentrated her free hand on the debris of the collapsed building. She lifted the metal bars, boulders, and other sharp debris. With one swing of her arm, the debris flew towards Arlette's army. She stopped blowing force and put all her strength into sweeping them with all the debris. But before she could even crush them, three creians of Arlette's army blocked, deflected, and crushed them into pieces. Her plan failed and she was starting to get exhausted. Arlette's army retaliated, this time, she created a barrier of psychokinetic force that shielded her and the Executive Building from their attacks.

One of Arlette's soldiers disappeared. It was a man with the ability to teleport. She was alarmed and her senses heightened. Until she sensed something behind her. She instantly released a pulse of psychokinetic energy the moment someone tore the space and appeared. The man was blasted away and was about to escape again, but she was quick to wrap him in her force and snapped his neck in the process. She let go of him and he dropped to the ground, lifeless.

She glanced back at Arlette and saw her soldiers advanced and charged towards her. One of her men flew midair and blew a strong gust of wind, trying to distract her. She crossed her arms and created a dome of psychokinetic force around her. There she realized that she was already surrounded. She kept her defense and looked at the creian men and women who positioned themselves around her, while the others continued to attack the Executive Building.

Before she could even move, the four creians surrounding her began attacking. Tendrils of lightning from Valtor were trying to burrow into her defenses. Another woman on the other side was blasting fire at her. Also, a man that she believed to be psychokinetic was also squeezing her dome, trying to crush her inside. And a woman was throwing boulders at her, trying to shake her defense. With each second that passed by, she was slowly losing her strength. She dropped to her knees and her dome of force shrank. She knew it was a matter of time before they finally broke her defense.

The Storm of ApocalypseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz