Chapter One Part Five [1]

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Mycenia followed Cyan to the dining room of their hideout. It was a simple house that had a few pieces of furniture. It seemed like the house was abandoned for so long and Arlette used it as their base of operations. Everyone was there, except for Vinceo. They all sat around the table where sandwiches and juice were served. But what occupied the table the most were the papers; there were blueprints, sketches, and other things about the island.

"This is a working lunch. All ideas are welcome for discussion. We need to work right now before Herozoan strikes again. We don't have any other creians on our side; our brothers and sisters were already trapped...or dead. It's just us."

"What are we going to do?" Valtor asked, staring at the papers he didn't know how to read or interpret.

"The last time I remember, the island was surrounded by surveillance cameras and manned by soldiers. I don't know now what they have prepared for us," Renie commented.

"All of the captured creians will be waiting for us. We will be fighting them too," Cyan said as she picked up the sandwich and began eating.

"Let's try attacking the main servers," Mycenia suggested. All eyes were shifted to her. "We need to deactivate the implants to have them back on our sides. It will be easier to deal with humans after we freed our kind. We already did this before."

"What if they made changes to the implants? What if destroying the server will not affect them?" Cyan asked.

"We should expect heightened security measures on the island...yes. We can't just barge in there and attack them. They're expecting it now," Arlette warned them. "But let's try. What if it will work? Let's try cutting the power. Let's see if it will make any difference."

"Leave that to me," Valtor volunteered.

"Let's bring knockout gas," Renie added. "Cutting out the power will never be that quick and easy. Maybe the gas can incapacitate a few men on the way."

"We need to check out where we should attack. Let's find weak points in these blueprints." Arlette pointed out the map in the center.

"Where did you get this?"

"From Francheska and Mike. Too bad they died before they could even help us sack the island."

Mycenia didn't react. She knew she was about Vinceo's murder spree. She wanted to throw her out of the house through the roof but it's not worth it; not right now that they're planning for an attack. They needed each other.

"What if we attack from different parts of the island? To overwhelm and distract guards."

"Well, I can't do that." Cyan just shook her head. She's different from them; she only heals and tracks people.

"You will be with me," Arlette said. "I need your tracking skills. Also, heal me when things get worse."

"But we're stronger together. We could attack one area and start there," Renie suggested. "I'd rather face hundreds of guards and creians than face a few of them alone. We're deadly together."

"Just tell them you're afraid," Valtor interjected.

"Of course, I'm afraid."

"Attacking all together in one spot means they can put all their defenses and focus on us. We need to divide," Arlette emphasized which ended the argument. "We need to attack different areas at once. You guys will target the surface and I will have the basement. Through the sewage, I can reach the prison cells and free our kind in there. We can have them on our side."

Mycenia remembered the prison cells. It was where the altered were locked up once they failed to obey the rules; those who attempted to attack the guards; and those who tried to escape. If they need anyone to fight against Herozoan, it's them.

"I'll attack here," Valtor said, pointing at the south side of the island. "It's nearer to the servers and the power source."


"Can I come with Valtor?" Renie asked. "I can help him attack the server."

Arlette just shook her head.

"Valtor can handle the server alone. I think it's best if you attack the north side to divide their army."

"Can we really handle everyone on that island?"

"We need to, Renie. We can't wait for them to swat us like flies. Besides...if I can free the others, we will have better chances at taking over. You just got to wait and trust me."

"I'll attack from the air," Mycenia announced. "I'll take out anyone in sight." 

"Alright. Let's discuss our attacks."


THE STARS WERE like diamonds in the empty sky. The moon wasn't full but its crescent shape was beautiful to look at. Mycenia held onto the railings of the yacht as they floated through the gentle waves. She never stared at the sky like this before. It was peaceful. It felt different to be surrounded by nothing but water that shimmers.

She looked over her shoulder when she heard footsteps approaching. It was Arlette. She welcomed her with silence as she stood by her side and they both watched the endless sight of the dark sea that vaguely mirrored the night sky.

"You still have more memories to remember, Mycenia. I hope it will come to the day that you will understand why I am like this."

"If this is your way of saying sorry for what you did, remember that I will never forgive you. Not after letting Herozoan take Vinceo and for wiping our memories."

"One day, Mycenia. One day, you'll understand. Just consider yourself lucky. Many people would kill just to forget their most painful memory."

"Why can't you just pour everything back to me?"

"I am not that powerful and it's not that easy. I triggered your mind to remember the pieces of memories I buried. Your memories are all in there, you just have to wait; and let your mind unravel and weave back your memories. If I push your mind to remember everything, you will end up weaving wrong memories will create wrong memories."

"What if I am weaving the wrong memories now?"

"No, you're not."

"How are you so certain?"

"Because you're here with us. You're fighting against the people who took everything from you."

"Once I have Vinceo, we will leave."

"I don't expect anything from you. You're free, you can do what you want," Arlette said and walked away.

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