Goodbye. Look After Yourself (7)

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"Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?" Yang yelled, turning despite the tightness of his seat belt. "You could have killed us!"

Matthew put the back of his hand to his brow, wiping what nonexistent perspiration rested on his forehead. "I told you before, or maybe you've forgotten," he stammered, smirking. The expression sneered. "I'm a slow driver, too. Under normal circumstances."

"Normal?" the older man asked, bristled. "That was normal?"

"No, that was extraordinary." He ran his hand over the steering wheel.

"That was amazing!" Eli shouted, unbuckling himself and draping his arms against Matt's seat. "Why don't you drive like that all the time?"

"I feel sick," Lilly moaned, hands on her stomach as she rocked from side to side. "I'm dizzy. Why didn't you deploy the wings?"

"Sorry, sorry," Matt sighed, shifting the car into reverse. "I'll be a normal driver, now." One three-point turn later, Lloyd was puttering down the street quietly, glittering in the sunshine. People on their front lawns stopped and waved. The world was glowing and saturated and, while Matthew missed the chirping sound from the tailpipe, he'd rather have his Lloyd taking him from place to place, his wonderful chrome bumper smiling at the world around them. The little blue '66 Volkswagen Beetle with the license plate L104174, with the softest of faces that made people stop and smile, took to the streets once again.

The hotel's parking garage was cold. The lights had switched on for the evening, but glowed a pale white and did very little against the summer sun. When Matthew parked the car with the precision of an old-world master, the battery's life hovered just under forty-five percent. He hummed as the gauge switched off, and got out to plug in the car. The children tumbled out from the backseat, and Yang's legs wobbled as he stood up. Lilly collapsed onto her back, limbs splayed out as she complained about the spinning in her head. He did not close the drivers side door, though Matthew didn't care. He met Edward's eyes and smiled.

"Success?" he asked.

Matt sighed. He traced his fingers with his thumb and pressed the passenger door closed. "You could've squeezed in if you wanted. Sandwiched between Eli and Lilly?"

Edward shook his head, his smile soft and almost unbearable to look at. "Nah," he started, the word long and petering out into the air with a gentle definitiveness. "Five's a crowd. Besides, it probably meant more to you since it was just you and them."

"Isn't the phrase 'four's a crowd'?"

Edward wrinkled his nose in mock embarrassment. "Call it whatever you want. My reasoning stands."

Matt traced his finger along the curve of one of the fenders. "You could've squeezed in."

"I could've," he said, "but I didn't think it right." He stepped back. "Pick a date and time, and chauffeur me to your heart's content." Edward pulled out his phone and checked the time. "On that note, you didn't answer my question. Success?"

He nodded, the smile on his face small but warm. "Success."

Edward smirked, taking in the sight before his jaw set. "I...have work, now." He pocketed the cell and met Matt's eyes. "Have a good rest of the day?"

Matt nodded. "Thanks, Ed. For...being here. For helping Lilly and everyone with Lloyd. I – " The words caught in his throat. Embarrassment hissed warm against the back of his neck. "Thanks. For...yeah."

He huffed, and Matthew could only imagine his shoulders bouncing with the sound. "You're welcome, Matt." He turned, trekking off to his patina'd truck parked in the distance.

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