You're Acting Like Us (4)

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He pursed his lips, trying to steady his breath and quell the spinning in his head. Matthew wasn't sure where to begin, but there was a part of him that wanted Yang to start it. Several tense, quiet moments passed before Matthew, desperate for the silence to end, admitted, "I...don't know what to do in these situations."

"Being chastised by children?"

Matthew breathlessly chuckled. There wasn't a single teacher he'd met that hadn't been chastised by a child, but this was most definitely different. "...sure." He sighed again. "If only they wouldn't see the world so black and white."

"Hm," was all he said, though this one was low, thoughtful.

"We can hear you," Lilly called out.

"I know," Matthew called back.

After another moment, the older man asked, "Did you talk to them about...this?"

Matthew shook his head. "No. They don't deserve to be dragged into the middle of our disagreements. But they also don't get that right because of who you are to them, and who I am to them."

Mr. Yang sighed. Tapping his fingers against the desk, he scratched his temple. "Not to reiterate something you said earlier, but...I'm not used to being in these kinds of situations."

"Being called out?"

"Being called out, and by my children, at that."

He glanced away, taking in a steady breath.

The older man's eyes stayed fixed on a spot away from Matthew.

Matthew shifted in his seat.

"So, Mr. Childcare, what do we do?"

He said nothing, only craving a cigarette to settle his stomach.

"I'm not going to apologize for reminding you of what your position is."

"Uncle J – !"

"Shhh," Lilly whispered.

Mr. Yang wiped his brow again. He tapped his desk.

Matthew leaned forward. "If..."

His brown eyes glared.

He sank back into the chair. "...if your kids are willing to fight you to make sure I stay, then...then something about, about my being here works for them. Otherwise, I don't think it would've made a difference."

"Hm," was all he said, this one blunt, almost disapproving of the comment. Yet after a moment, his expression softened. "...hmm." Mr. Yang sighed, his crossed arms dropping into his lap. "...I suppose we have been acting like children."

Clenching his teeth, Matthew nodded.

Mr. Yang's eyes moved back to Matthew.

"...sir, for what it's worth...I am sorry. Not for everything, but for a lot."

"How encouraging."

Matthew shrugged. "You're eating at least two meals a day with your children, which is more than what you said you wanted. I'm not sorry for pressing you on that..." He glanced around the room, spotting a new water stain in the ceiling. "...among other things."

Mr. Yang met his employee's gaze.

"I shouldn't have brought her up. That was completely out of line, and I...deserved what I got." He scratched his cheek. "I'm sorry for that."

The man pursed his lips, his eyes glimmering; he tried to blink it away. "I'm sorry I've been short with you. I'm...not used to having people regularly push back against me."

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