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Saturday came and like clockwork Astoria showed up at the pub and waited for Hermione,Bella and this mystery witch. A little while later Hermione, Bella and Abbigail arrived at the pub. "I'm gonna go order food and drinks. You two go sit with Astoria." Hermione stated. Bella sat alone opposite Astoria forcing Abbigail to sit beside the young witch. "I'm Astoria! You must be Abbigail. It's nice to meet you." Astoria stated. "Yea...nice to meet you too. I guess." Abbigail replied.

A few minutes later Hermione returned with four butter beers. "Fish and chips will be here soon." Hermione replied as scooted in next to Bella. "Sooo...how are you two getting on?" Hermione asked. "Good...I suppose...why did you want to have us meet anyway?" Astoria asked. "Cause you two are perfect for each other." Hermione replied. "So you live in Hermione's rooms?" Astoria asked. "Yes..it's just till this summer, then I'll be going to the dungeons to move into Snape's room." Abbigail replied. "Oh you're taking over his job?" Astoria asked. "Yea." Abbigail replied.

When their food arrived everyone dug in and continued making small talk. Bella could easily see that Abbigail and Astoria were getting on very well. This made her very very happy. It meant that she could have Hermione all to herself once again. "Say...Abbigail...have you got a tour of Hogsmead yet?" Astoria asked. "No...not really." Abbigail replied. "Good. Let me give you one...I used to frequent here a lot as a student." Astoria replied with a smile.

Once they left the pub Hermione and Bella returned to the castle together. "Your plan worked." Bella stated. "Did you ever doubt me?" Hermione asked. "No dear...I didn't." Bella replied. "Good. Now shall we go get into some mischief?" Hermione asked. "Yes we should!" Bella replied with a smirk.

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