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That night Hermione was  in her chambers and put her stuff away before sinking into her sofa and relaxing with a glass of elvish wine. "Thank goodness it's the weekend...I definitely need a two day break." She said to herself. Letting her head fall back against the sofa she shut her eyes just as there a a knock on her door. "Ugh..." She groaned. She stood up and wandered to the door. "Bella? What can I do for you?" Hermione asked. "Just came to see if you wanted to have dinner together?" Bella asked. Hermione just looked at her for a moment before responding. "Uh..ok..when?" She asked.

"How about tonight?" Bella asked. "Uh ok..." Hermione replied. "Brilliant! Come to my rooms a little after six...ok?" Bella asked. "Ok...I'll see you then." Hermione replied. Bella left and hurried back to her rooms to prepare leaving Hermione alone once more. "Dinner...won't be so bad...right Crooks?" Hermione asked looking at her cat who only meowed in response. "Yea you're probably right..." Hermione replied.

Bella made arrangements with the house elves to bring up a few appetizers to start with followed by the main course of meat pies, then a dessert of pie. "Yes! That will work! Then we can sit and talk and sip some elf wine by the fire...this will definitely woo her..." Bella said to herself as she paced the floor.

The clock was nearing six when Hermione began walking towards the dungeons. She still didn't know what to expect from this dinner. 'Is she trying to win me back?' 'Is this how she's gonna go about it?' Thoughts flooded the brunette's head as she neared the door that led to Bella's rooms. Hermione took pause to adjust herself before knocking on the door. "Ok Hermione...just knock...let's get this over with." She said to herself as she raised her hand to knock on the door.

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