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In the morning Bella slipped out of the bed quietly and quickly and returned to her rooms before Hermione could stop her. She didn't want to leave...but she knew she had to get out of there. Once she was back in her own rooms she headed straight to her shower and washed the events of last night off. Her thoughts were still on Hermione and how amazing last night was. She wanted to continue this way...but she didn't want to mess it up again.

Back in Hermione's room she woke up to the sound of her door shutting and Bella sneaking out. Letting a sigh out she got out of bed and walked to her bathroom and waited for the shower to warm up. The hot water hit her body and she burst into tears. She didn't know what she'd done wrong to have Bella leave like that this morning, but she knew she wouldn't let that happen again. She'd avoid Bella now and move on to someone else. There was a rumor that there was a new professor coming in to take over the potions department,now that Snape was retiring. Rumor was she was an attractive woman too...a gay attractive woman.

Hermione was sitting on her bed when McGonagall's patronus appeared asking her to come to her office immediately. "Wonder what that's about?" She asked herself as she pulled on a sweater and some black leggings. Hermione walked into McGonagall's office and saw her sitting behind her desk talking to a blonde woman who sat in a chair opposite her. "Professor?..you asked to see me?"  Hermione stated getting the older witches attention. "Ah yes! Come in! Sit down! I'd like to introduce you to our new potions mistress Abbigail White. Abbigail, this is one of my most favorite of cubs. Hermione is a recent graduate from Hogwarts and with many a letter and tea meetings I finally convinced her to come back and take over as head of Gryffindor house and as the transfiguration professor." McGonagall stated.

"Really? That's quite impressive! Pleasure to meet you Hermione!" Abbigail replied shaking her hand. "Pleasures all mine Abbigail. Was there something else you need Professor?" Hermioen asked. "Ah yes! Straight to the point as always. I'd like you to take Abbigail to show her around the castle. Today's a nice day...you can take her to Hogsmead I'm sure she'd be interested in seeing what our wizarding villages have to offer. It's no Ilvermorny but they do have excellent fish and chips!" McGonagall replied. "That sounds like fun!" Abbigail replied.

"Do you know where your rooms are?" Hermione asked as they left McGonagalls office. "Uh no. They're not available yet since the professor I'm taking over is still here. Headmistress McGonagall is supposed to find me a professor I can bunk with temporarily." Abbigail replied. "Well I have a spare room in my quarters, although they're a long way from the dungeons." Hermione replied. "Oh? That wouldn't be much trouble. I don't mind walking. So where to first?" Abbigail asked.

"How about we start at the great hall where we'll be having most of our meals. Professors are required to eat there during the week, and are allowed to eat in their quarters on the weekends. Unless you're chaperoning Hogsmead visits. Then you can eat wherever you like." Hermione explained. As they walked Hermione asked Abbigail questions about her schooling and how she liked different  things in the castle. After a while they both found themselves in Hogsmead eating fish and chips and drinking butter beers. "You have really beautiful eyes Hermione." Abbigail stated. "Thank you Abbigail, you have really beautiful eyes too." Hermione replied with a smile.

After a long day of exploring the castle, its grounds and Hogsmead, Hermione and Abbigail were walking back when McGonagall stopped them. "Hermione! Abbigail! Having a good time?" She asked. "Yes. Hermione's a great tour guide." Abbigail stated. "I'm glad to hear it. Ah...Hermione...how would you feel about a roommate?" McGonagall asked. "That'd be fine with me." Hermione replied. "Brilliant! I'll have Abbigails belongings put into the spare room right now!" McGonagall exclaimed.

"Well come on! I'll show you to your new rooms!" Hermione stated. Abbigail linked arms with the brunette witch as they walked off to Hermione's quarters. "Hermione! These rooms are lovely! All this red..it reminds me of my dorms in Ilvermorny." Abbigail stated. "Oh? What house were you in?" Hermione asked. "I was a Wampus. They represent the body and favor warriors. What does Gryffindors require?" Abbigail asked. "A Gryffindor's traits are bravery, courage and determination." Hermione replied.

After Abbigail unpacked her belongings she joined Hermione on the sofa in front of the fireplace. "So what shall we do now?" Abbigail asked. "We can order some food if you like?" Hermione suggested. "Sounds good to me." Abbigail replied. Hermione summoned her house elf and ordered two plates of meat pies. "Do you drink wine?" Hermione asked. "Yea...why?" Abbigail asked as she watched Hermione grab an old looking bottle. "Cause I have collection of elvish wines here." Hermione replied.

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