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Over the next few weeks Hermione and Bella began spending more and more time together. They'd spend weekends wandering through Hogsmead village together, and evenings in one another's rooms grading papers together or just talking about their classes. As it neared the Christmas break Hermione stood in the common room taking names of any students who would be staying over the break. "Is that everyone?" Hermione asked. When no one else spoke up she put the paper in her pocket and left the common room.

Walking to the headmistress's office she bumped into Bella who was walking with her head down examining the Slytherin list of students who'd be spend Christmas at Hogwarts. "Oh sorry!" Bella exclaimed. "It's alright. I was just heading to McGonagall's office." Hermione replied. "Well let's walk together shall we?" Bella asked. "Sure." Hermione replied as they continued their walk.

Once the papers were dropped off the two professors headed back to  Hermione's room to have their weekly talk about classes. "So how many of your Gryffindors are staying?" Bella asked. "Just a few. What about you?"Hermione asked. "Six. Mostly first and second years." Bella replied. "Ah well that makes sense." Hermione replied. "You stayed your first year didn't you?" Bella asked. "No, Harry and Ron did though along with the rest of the Weasleys." Hermione replied.

"Us Black sisters stayed most of the holidays here. Even Sirius and Regulus stayed here with their little friends." Bella replied. "After my first year I stayed at the Weasley's house most of the time for holidays and summers. Well most of the summer. I would go home at first then go there as it got closer to September." Hermione explained. "Ah I see." Bella replied. "Yea it wasn't until my fifth year when I became friends with Draco that I considered going elsewhere for holidays." Hermione replied.

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