⚜️65:The last plan⚜️

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Shuffling of papers could be heard in the office as Jungkook, Taehyung Hoseok and Soobin sit alongside each other in the King's designated office.

After defeating Ji-ho and Jaehyun, Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok along with some other Soldiers left towards the capital. They ordered Soobin to stay in the old capital to interrogate the captives.

To say that people of Alvania were shocked to see their king after so many months of despair would be an understatement. Nobody knew what was going on, even more so when they saw Bogum perfectly fine when they thought he died in the battlefield and as expected the ministry was clueless regarding the sudden appearance of Jungkook and Yoongi.

They thought both the king and Yoongi were in Eucon, and moreover wasn't Alvania was in war with Dernia.
But soon Jungkook and the others enlightened the entire ministry about the whole scene.

The ministry was finally in peace knowing that even though Jungkook was in Eucon he didn't abandon Alvania. He always cared about his Kingdom and not only did he fail Dernia's plan he also made sure Alvania successfully occupied Dernia with very few casualties.

After returning to Alvania the ministry crowned him once again as the king of Alvania and organised a fest in the capital to make people know about Alvania's recent achievements and also about their prince and princess.

It was after the fest that the kings and the spies were sitting together to deal with one last thing.

"We don't have to care about entering Banzai's palace, I can easily do that" Soobin confidently says.

"I know you can do that, and successfully assassinate the queen of Banzai .....but make sure to make the queen's death as natural as possible we don't want anyone to even sense that, Alvania was one behind the deed." Jungkook says.
How can he forget about the Queen of Banzai, after all she tied hands with Dernia and Jaehyun to conquer Alvania, even though Banzai and Alvania had signed a peace treaty.

How can Jungkook forget that she assisted Jaehyun in planting a sham family of Namjoon to trap him, just so Jungkook wouldn't get married.

So now she is going to reep what she sowed after all Alvania isn't a kingdom to be messed with.

" Rest assured your highness, my husband Yeonjun has already prepared a potion that will erase itself after killing the queen" Soobin informs the kings.

"Impressive" Taehyung says impressed that these kinds of potions exist.

"Are we done now?" hoseok yawns laying his head down on the desk, tired from all the festivities he enjoyed with Yoongi and Jimin during the fest.

"No... You're going to assist Soobin in this mission" Jungkook orders making Hoseok Jolt and glare sharply at Jungkook.

"Wtf Jungkook, I am getting married in 3 days and you're sending me on another mission, I was clear that after my marriage I am not going to be hawk anymore" hoseok says his voice raising a little bit, irritated by Jungkook.

"Exactly after marriage, you are not married yet, and moreover this mission is going to take only a night, you can do it" Jungkook says.

"No... Jungkook... seriously what about me beauty sleep" hoseok pouts.

"You're going to sleep for three days" Jungkook asks.

"Yes, gotta preserve my energy for wedding night, satisfying 2 husbands will require a lot of stamina" hoseok retorts.

"You're shameless..." Jungkook bickers

"As if you aren't just by seeing Taehyung's hands on your thighs I can say you guys are going to fuck as soon as we leave.... And yeah Taehyung I can see your hand." hoseok says making Taehyung blush and stop caressing Jungkook's thighs.

"Hyung that's enough, you're going to assist Soobin and that's final" Jungkook orders strictly.

"What no... I don't want to go...last time you sent me before my marriage to a mission and Yoongi thought I eloped " Hoseok sulks as he remembers the first time he and Yoongi were supposed to get married.
The thing that happened was hoseok was on a mission just before his marriage but he miscalculated and ended up getting captured by the enemies, resulting in him not able to attend his own marriage.
Yoongi was left humiliated, he was waiting for Hoseok in the temple but the man never came.

For 2 years Hoseok was missing Jungkook couldn't tell Yoongi that he was wrong and Hoseok was in danger, Jungkook deployed several spies but it wasn't until he deployed Soobin that Hoseok along with Soobin returned back to Alvania. But is was too late for Yoongi he was convinced that Hoseok has eloped because throughout their relationship Hoseok had commitment issues and was famous for his Playboy image. But what Yoongi didn't knew was that Hoseok had this image because he was a spy. Their relationship was damaged beyond repair.

But when Jimin came in their lives Hoseok apologized for what he did and told him a made up stories to hide the actual truth and thankfully Yoongi and Jimin believed him and they all moved on. Somewhere Hoseok is glad for what happened back then because it eventually led them to Jimin, who he loves just as much as he loves Yoongi.

"I didn't tell you to deport on your wedding day hyung...It was supposed to be a mission with three other spies but you in your overconfidence went their alone and that too on your wedding day" Jungkook defends himself.

"What can I do, one of my men betrayed me and relayed me a false information... But whatever....I am not going this time...Soobin only has to take care of the queen he can do that" Hoseok says and stands up from his place.

"Hyung...wtf" Jungkook says as Hoseok defies his order for the first time, but he understands where he is coming from, he is afraid he wouldn't be able to return just like before.

"She is not alone..." Soobin says and Hoseok looks at him perplexed.
"She has a lover of hers that we have to care of" Soobin says, making Hoseok understand now why Jungkook wanted him to assist Soobin.

"Oh ... I didn't knew that" Hoseok smiles cheekily as he sits down on his place.

"Yeah you were too busy with your 2 husbands...that Soobin reported to Taehyung instead of reporting to you" Jungkook taunts and Hoseok grimances at him.

"So yeah get ready...you guys have to leave soon" Jungkook orders and stands up from his place, Taehyung following him suit, both the men exiting the office.

"You snitch, you should have reported to me instead of the second king" Hoseok hits Soobin on the back of his head making him pout.

"But you were busy..." Soobin smiles his infamous smile at Hoseok making the man cringe and swoom at the same time.

"Stop giving me that smile, it's borderline creepy at this point" Hoseok says.

"But this is my face hyung..." Soobin says his smile widening even more.

"Yeah with this same face you kill and torture people... seriously I feel bad for other countries earlier they had hawk to deal with and now they have a pigeon to deal with" Hoseok says as both of them exit the office as well.

"If you were feeling bad for them then you shouldn't have made me your successor" Soobin says

"You damn right.... I know you are worse than me... That's why I chose you in the first place" Hoseok says.

Soobin giggles at Hoseok

"By the way... Shut up...your smile gives me chills" Hoseok says and Soobin giggles even more at that...


It isn't proofread so if you find any mistakes, tell me.

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