Earth Is In A Bad Mood-

741 18 50

Requested by: WhitemoonWcue

Summary: Earth has bad weather, so bad weather means bad mood and he's speaking German, so here's how the Rocky Planet's interaction went with him!

A/N: I have lots of request I still haven't made, so I might not continue making request and I'll only be making requests that aren't really too hard for me, so yeah-

~[ Mercury's interaction ]~

Earth clearly wasn't in a good mood (Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.) You can simply tell with the horrible weather he's having in his surface right now while Mercury and Luna just stared at him concerned. "S-so.. How's the weather?" Mercury asked, knowing he literally fucked up. "Oh, es ist total toll, wenn DU TAIFUNE UND HURRIKANE SCHÖNES WETTER NENNST!" Earth yelled and crossed his arms. 'Haha.. Well that was an amazing idea,' Mercury thought to him self. Luna turned to him and spoke, "Well I wasn't lying when I told you that he wasn't in a good mood."

Mercury shook his head and thought for a moment. "Ehh.. How long has this weather been going?" He asked. Luna shrugged her shoulders. "Well, I was just asleep and I just found him frowning when I woke up," She replied. Mercury stepped up and tried his best to make him feel better. "Well, how about you try to turn that frown upside-down?" Earth glared at Mercury meaning he fucked up. "Eine Drogerie wurde nach dir benannt, du kleines Stück Scheiße," Mercury stared at him with a mix of confusion and fear. "He's saying that a drugstore was named after you and called you a little piece of shit," Luna stated nonchalantly. "O-oh," Was the only thing Mercury could respond gloomy.

~[ Venus' interaction ]~

He looked at The Earth for a moment then looked back at Luna. "Why did you bring me here again?" He asked. "To cheer him up even though you suck," Luna responded. Venus sighed in annoyance and went up to Earth. "Alright, Mother Nature, what's troubling you?" He crosses his arms. Earth remained in silent. 'Oh stars, this is going to be harder than I thought,' Venus thought to himself. "Look, if you ain't going to talk, then things aren't going to get better," No response again. "Earth, for the love of the star, YOU'RE FUCKING KILLING ME!" Earth gave Venus a glare. "Halt die Klappe, sonst breche ich dir die verdammte Wirbelsäule, dann drehe ich dir den Hals herum, bis dein Kopf abfällt ," He stated. Venus immediately froze and backed away slowly. "Yeah, I don't know what he just said, but I ain't doing this shit-"

(New headcanon: Venus' biggest fear is Earth in a bad mood)

~[ Mars' interaction ]~

"Do I seriously have to do this?" He whispered. Luna nodded her head and responded, "Now go before I throw you inside the Asteroid Belt." Mars sighed and went up to Earth. 'Anything but the Asteroid Belt,' He thought to himself. "Soo.. How's it going?" He asked. Earth just gave him a glare in response. 'Yep, that was a bad idea,' Mars thought. "How about a hug?" He opened his arms and was about to give Earth a hug, but Earth immediately backed away. "Berühre mich und ich reiße dir mit einem verdammten Asteroiden den Kern heraus," He replied. Mars immediately backed away in fear. "Yeah, uhh SOMEONE GET JUPITER-"

A/N: This was the first thing that came in my mind when I saw this request. Anyways, I'll only be doing a few more requests, so sorry if I can't do all of your requests ;-; But anyways, have a great day/afternoon/night, my little puppets!

Word count: 608 words

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