{BoA} - she confesses her feelings for you - Girls On Top eighth member

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Taeyeon sighed as she came over to Boah, noticing the way she was staring at you across the room once again.

"Are you ever going to talk to her?" She asked.

Boah shrugged her shoulders as she watched you laugh and hug Hyoyeon.

Right now, you and Hyoyeon are just filming a little part of the behind-the-scenes video for the newest comeback.

But Boah knows the happiness you and Hyoyeon are showing on camera is not faked or forced whatsoever.

You and Hyoyeon are genuinely very close.

You're always hugging, laughing, sharing inside jokes, and sometimes she even catches you snuggling up together in practice or on set when you're both exhausted.

It drives Boah insane because she's so in love with you and all she wants is to be with you.

But she has her doubts that you feel the same when it's evident that you and Hyoyeon are so close.

"You should just talk to her already." Taeyeon encouraged.

"It's hard to do that when I don't know if she feels the same way," Boah said. "She's so happy with Hyoyeon and they're so close. I don't know if she feels the same way I do. I think she'd rather be with Hyoyeon, honestly."

Taeyeon shook her head and prepared to argue with her friend about that.

Because Taeyeon knows you like Boah too but you just don't think you stand a chance with her and feel too afraid to confess your feelings for her.

But Boah had a change of heart when she saw Hyoyeon wrap you in her arms from behind and softly kiss your cheek.

She was afraid she may never have a chance to confess to you if she doesn't take the opportunity to do it now.

She walked away from Taeyeon and hurried to your side as the camera turned away from you both and over to Karina and Winter.

"Y/N, I need to talk to you."

You heard the urgency in her voice and pulled away from Hyoyeon to talk with her.

Hyoyeon could tell it was urgent so she didn't mind at all when you walked away from her side and Taeyeon came over to her instead.

"I think Boah is going to confess to Y/N," Taeyeon grinned.

"Finally!" Hyoyeon excitedly said.

Boah had led you across the room, away from anyone else who could listen in on this private conversation; the one Boah has been dying to have with you but always felt too afraid to have until now.

"Is everything okay?" You asked.

"No," Boah replied nervously. "I have to talk to you."

"What about?" You worriedly spoke. "What's the matter, Boah? You seem nervous."

"I am." She replied and you reached out to brush your fingers across her arm to try and comfort her.

"Don't be nervous. Talk to me." You softly spoke.

"I'm nervous to tell you this but I figured that this might be my last chance because I feel like you and Hyoyeon are falling for each other but I love you."


"I said I love you." She spoke once more.

And listening to those three words leave her lips almost made your heart explode.

"I understand if you don't feel the same but I can't stand seeing how close you are to Hyoyeon! I'm afraid you like each other a lot and I'm the one that's loved you from the very first day we met!"

You were speechless.

This all seemed too good to be true.

"I understand if you don't feel the same or if you like Hyoyeon and I hope this doesn't ruin anything between us but-"

You realized she was anxiously rambling and rather than respond to her verbally, you decided to respond to her in the best way you could think of, hoping that it would calm her down and she'd also see that you do feel the same.

Leaning in, you put your lips on hers and she stopped rambling immediately.

But for a second, Boah thought she was dreaming.

She's been dreaming of this for so long, it felt so surreal.

But your lips were so soft and so kissable and she couldn't help but melt.

As she kissed you back, she realized that it wasn't a dream and she was truly sharing this beautiful loving moment with you.

She put her arms around you to pull you closer as her lips moved softly against yours.

You pulled away after a moment and Boah whined a little, causing you to smile and kiss the corners of her lips.

"I don't have feelings for Hyoyeon and I can promise you that Hyoyeon doesn't have feelings for me either. We're just close friends."

Boah let out a breath of relief.

"Boah, you're the only one I have feelings for. I love you so much."

"Really?" She asked as her eyes sparkled.

"Yes. I've loved you from the very first second I saw you. I've had a crush on you long before we met but when I saw you in person, I felt weak in the knees. I love you."

"I love you, Y/N. I'm so happy you love me too." She spoke before kissing your cheek. "Because I love you very much."

"I love you very much too."

You kissed her again and wrapped your arms around her neck as her lips lovingly moved against yours.

And now that your true feelings for each other were finally revealed, you knew that you were no longer just friends, without even having to say the words aloud.

Now that you were able to hold and kiss her, you never wanted these moments to end.

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