16. "Ziya will never marry you, Rudra."

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I inattentively grazed the fork on the apple I was eating

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I inattentively grazed the fork on the apple I was eating. I didn't have the appetite to eat it but the strict orders from that Khadoos has made me to eat all the healthy diet for my instant recovery.

I jabbed the fruit, taking my anger out.

"You don't have to take your anger out on a fruit." I raised my head upwards, seeing Rudra standing near the bed with hands in his pockets, eyeing me with amusement.

"Then should I take my anger out on you?" I retorted, squinting my eyes at him.

He approached me, taking a seat on the bed infront of me. "Can you do that?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow challengingly. His face reflected mirth.

My eyes glinted towards the fork in my hand and then at him. He followed my gaze, a fraction of smile appearing on his usually stoic and brooding face.

"Ofcourse I can. But I'm not the one to hurt somebody for my own interest, unlike some people." I taunted, dropping the knife on the plate. I tilted my face to the side, looking outside the window, ignoring his heated gaze on me.

"Yeah. So you decided to hurt yourself by attempting to take your life." He spatted, anger overtaking him again.

My head snapped back towards him. I glared at him, crossing my arms as I leaned back on the headboard comfortably.

"For your kind information, I didn't have any intention to deliberately take my own life. My head was spinning that day, I don't know for what reason, and I got slipped on the wet floor and my head hit the bathtub. That's all I remember."

I unwillingly explained to him. He only nodded his head at the information. His face showed surprise for a fraction which instantly got replaced by relief.

"No matter what the circumstances are, I'm not this coward that I'll take my own life. That too where I'm innocent and have been dragged forcefully." I added firmly. I glared at him before looking outside the window again.

I could see him smiling from the periphery of my vision.

It was two weeks ago I had that accident and since then it's the first time I've seen him, after that haunting incident in the garden. I felt butterflies erupting in my stomach, remembering it.

I glanced at him, finding him looking at me only. I brushed my hair back, still looking outside the window at the plain white sky. Blood instantly rushed upto my cheeks from his intense gaze on me. It's just the way he eyes me like he never want to turn his gaze elsewhere; like I'm his most precious possession he's so fond of.

"What's your problem!" I blasted abruptly, glaring at him.

He innocently raised his eyebrows at me. "I haven't done anything.......yet." He uttered, emphasising on the last word.

I eyed him furiously, adjusting myself in the seat. I kept mum, trying to ignore his presence. But it wasn't possible. It was trivial because the way he looks at me isn't something that can go unnoticed. It makes me anxious for some reason with that jittery feeling that never fades away whenever he's near me.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐑𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now