Chapter 5: Exit, Pursued by a Dream

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Feet shuffled around me on the laminate floor while I thrashed against the weight of this deranged woman, merely the power of her left thigh was enough to hold me against the ground like a kitten with a mouse. The tens of gym goers fell back away from us, many of them convinced this was going to blow over as soon as it started...but a few of them...

Crashed into Juri, hooking their arms around hers, their combined strength ripping her body weight from my back. "Did I say you could touch me?!" Juri snapped at the gym goers willing to help me while they dragged her away, "Hands off!" She growled, flashing her teeth after her angered scream to flex her confidence.

I clambered up to a knee, then to my feet, sucking in as much air as I could into my burning lungs, feeling their dryness become saturated by oxygen. I pressed hard into the ground with my front foot, pulling all the power into my hips as I could; ready to send a front kick into her ribs only to have my advance halted by a sickening crunch.

One of the men holding her collapsed, his cries ripping his vocal chords asunder. Juri had shattered his calves and ankles with a lazy sweep, the grizzly sound of his legs permanently losing their function sent a shiver up my spine and forced me to take a step away from her.

Grown men with knives I could handle...

With her arm now free from the man who she had crippled, she threw a sloppy, animalistic hook straight into another's throat; caving in his windpipe and making him drop to his knees; "Aw what's the matter? Tapping out already?" Juri coo'd, gently pushing him over onto his back with her foot.

...multiple criminals ganging up on me I could face bravely...

The final bystander who assisted me let go of her and collapsed into a pathetic heap on the ground, covering his face from blows she wasn't raining down onto him. She giggled and purred like a cat playing with the corpse of a mouse, turning towards him...forgetting about my presence because of the trivial force I could muster against her.

"Not so tough now are ya, big guy? You think cowering with your belly up is going to spare you?" She crouched down over him, pressing her face down nearly nose to nose with him, "You're just going to die as my little bitch~!" She cackled, ripping the man off the floor by his hair-

...But this woman was the embodiment of my demise...the reaper come to collect.

She held him dangling helplessly, his clawing and biting doing absolutely nothing to halt her warpath. I backed away slowly, my arms out in front of me...contemplating turning and bailing...but...I couldn't just leave someone. But if I charged in head was likely I would meet the same fate as the rest of these men...

"I'll get to you when I'm finished with him," Juri flashed her teeth, addressing me without looking, "Just sit tight and think about how I'm going to finish you o-" She suddenly dropped the man, all her muscles starting to flex and contract as a wave of electricity crashed into her.

"Bit of a shock isn't it?!" Laura bolted and leaped over the ropes of the ring, sending her knee into Juri's jaw, despite the untenable anger in her voice she was still the same woman despite the dire straits.

The blow sent Juri over, the black widow trying to breakfall but with the uncountable volts coursing through her body kept her down. Laura ran her hands through her beautiful locks, ripping arcs of yellow lighting from each strand and throwing it down into Juri's body when she moved to get up...and then sprinting towards me, scooping me up in her arms.

"Time to get out of here, cocada!" She hauled me like a truck, easily carrying my weight and bolting through the fire exit...sending ear piercing screams of the man made cicada in all directions. She poured out into the alleyway with me pressed into her chest like a newly wed bride, and made it double time to the parking lot where her SUV was parked.

She chucked me, throw the open window into the back seat, my body landing on something weirdly soft and pliable, and whatever it was yelled at me because of the impact, "H-hey what-?!"

It was Sean, Laura's little brother...who must've decided he would rather sit in the back of the car and play games on his NonBranded Game Lad(™) instead of go into the gym with Laura and deal with her trying to murder me with her thighs all day..

I sat up, clambering to the opposite side of the vehicle from him, just in time to see Laura jump into the front and start the engine... "Sorry Sean! No time to explain!" Laura yelled back at him, "There's a psycho spider lady trying to murder us!"

"I thought you said you didn't have any time to explain..." I comment, rubbing the back of my head and adjusting the chains on my wrist, peaking behind the car to see the wall of the gym collapse, with Juri sauntering out of the rubble.

"Nevermind, no time to explain, get us out of here before that crazy slut gives me a foot fetish or something!" I command, slamming my hands into the back of the driver seat. "Better hope her sledgehammer legs don't make her faster than a fucking car!"

Laura looked up at the rear view, before looking over her shoulder out the back windshield, "One second!"

"Laura!" I plead, knowing that Juri was getting closer by the second...I took a peak back at her, seeing her slowly sauntering down the alleyway with one hand lazily hanging down, the other on her hip.

"Car problems? Too bad~!" She said, or at least she said something of the sorts because there wasn't a possible way any of us could hear her over an engine, through an inch of autoglass, and at least 10 yards away. She slowly sped up to a sprint, running towards us.

"Laura!" I echoed, only for her to cut me off.

"One second, my little tasty cocada~!" She slammed her palm into my face and shoved me roughly back into my seat, "And pot your seat belts on, this ride is gonna get bumpy!"

Sean sat up straight, instantly locking himself in and securing himself to his seat, he had no idea what the fuck was happening but he already knew what he was in for with Laura's driving. "Laura, what's going on?!"

"Oh nothing just a little-" Laura's eyes widened, seeing Juri leap towards the back of the car, intending to dive kick through the glass like she did the side of the gym's walls. Laura narrowed her gaze, slamming her foot down onto the pedal...but instead of going forwards all 3 tons of SUV suddenly flew backwards and slammed into Juri.

The woman's lithe, but firm body bounced off the back of it, landing on her back...only to eat the back bumper to the jaw when she attempted to clamber up and away from the moving vehicle. I felt a huge bump when a back wheel went right over the black widow's body...and then again when Laura threw it in drive and took off onto the street.

"...Laura did you just kill somebody?!" Sean gasped, turning around and peering behind us...only to spot exactly the same thing I did...

Juri standing up and glaring at us as we made our escape, seemingly entirely unharmed by the impact of being run over twice by a full sized SUV. A heavy silence fell over the both of us, when we realized what had happened...a silence that Laura's somewhat shrill but endearing voice ripped through effortlessly, "Serves her right!" She giggled, a darker expression than I had ever seen her make coming across her face.

"...What?" She peaked up at the rear view, catching the expressions on our faces, "Ah come on, she had it-" she gasped when she shot around, peaking over her shoulder and seeing the black widow standing tall, cracking her neck and grinning like a predator at us.

Laura slowly turned back around, silently, the combined screams of nothingness bearing down on our bodies while the terrible chill of death's gaze crept up our spines.

" mind explaining who the hell that was?!" Sean finally snapped, putting his hands on the sides of his head and dropping his elbows into his lap, "Was Laura not enough? You needed two feral women in your life?!"

"Sean, language!" Laura scolded, slowing to a more casual pace through the streets now that there wasn't the looming threat of death herself, "...But thanks. Y/N, was that your crazy ex or something? She seems like your type!"

I feel my heart sink as I slouch in my seat. My mind racing a mile a minute, trying its absolute hardest to piece together from what little context I actually have who she could be, and why she looked so familiar. Juri felt so easy to remember her name, regardless of the circumstances...her form and being was burned into the deepest recesses of my mind somewhere. Her tight, chiseled midriff, her powerful legs...that shapely, bountiful...I shook my head and blurted out, "I don't fucking know!" with a frustrated growl.

She intended to kill me, she had met me before thats for sure. Was she the one who had wiped my memory? Maybe in a murder attempt, but for all I know she crushed my head too hard between her thighs and nearly lobotomized me and is now trying to kill me to cover up the evidence or some shit.

"I think..." my voice trailed off while my gaze danced out the window. Laura doesn't know about my past, or well, my lack thereof. She hadn't heard a word of the devil gene, or me being chained up by Cody, or how a vampire attacked me on the bus.

"...N-nevermind...she did seem familiar, but I'm...not really sure where I saw her..."

And maybe she didn't need to know. They'd both think I was crazy anyways...

I don't have a memory,I have a Brazilian dommy mommy who can literally kill me, I'm allegedly part demon, a vampire wants my blood, death is a crazy vixen and wants to put me six feet under, and the literal mayor of the city we live in is forcing me to fight him everyday...That's textbook insane crackhead talk. The only silver lining to it all, was that Laura was the direct cause of one of those things, and had directly witnessed another.

...I just hope it doesn't get any worse before I can sort this growing pile of clusterfuck out...

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