Chapter 1: Turn the Beat Back

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[A few days later, after the big fight]
[Metro City, New York]

[Unknown Alleyway]

(Y/N's POV)

"Gotta say...I didn't think suits could throw punches like that," I chuckle through blood stained teeth, fighting the aching pain in my back, my everything to get back to my feet and put my back to the dusted up brick wall my previous 'bosses' had cornered me against, "...Guess it's pretty easy to punch when you got steel on your hands huh?" I spat, only to get scooped up by two of the boss man's overweight, well dressed thugs and thrown back against the wall where they held me...

There was three of them, wearing nice red striped suits, even if they hadn't seen a real fight in their entire life, there wasn't much I could do to overpower three armed men, one with brass knuckles, one with a chain...and the boss with his knife. The knife that was now currently stuck right up against my throat after the other two had restrained me.

"I put down good money on that new kid, and you had to go and win the match anyways!" His breathe flooded my nose with the unmistakable garbage can smell that only cheap liquor and swisher sweets could leave, "What'd I tell you about crossing me, kid?"

"Sorry-I didn't get the memo that I was supposed to be losing matches!" I argue back, only for him to press the knife harder into the skin of my neck, "...I didn't know he'd drop from one elbow-! Maybe throw someone who actually knows how to fight in the ring instead of pig headed scrappers-"

The match we were talking about wasn't even close, nor was any of the matches they put me in. With my nearly perfect Thai Boxing form, and little sprinklings of Judo/Wrestling for style none of the untrained brawlers they put me up against seemed to stand a chance. It was all easy money...easy wins, maybe if I kept on tearing up little gyms I'd catch a big promoter's interest...

But it seemed like I'd reached the end of the rope...whelp it was a good run, too bad I was going to end up shanked in some back alley somewhere by a fat ugly bastard and his lap dogs. That didn't mean I wasn't going to get some snarky one liners in while I could.

But instead of filling my trachea with steel, the boss man just laughed, haughtily belting out massive cackles that only a fat guy could muster, "You really think you won all those matches?" He looked left and right, prompting his friends to start cackling as well. "Did you seriously not understand what was happening? We were building you up to rake in the pots after your final big loss! None of those fights were real."

"Excuse me?"

"They all took a dive around the third round, hit the mat tragically and took a little fake nap! You didn't think those pretty little dance moves you were doing actually did something, did you?" He continued, still chuckling, putting away his knife before patting me on the shoulder. "You and me kid, we're gonna print money, you understand? But don't fuck up again, when I give you to go ahead you dive, got it?"

"I didn't become a fighter to lose, I started street fighting to win!" I growl, narrowing my eyes at the old man, "You wouldn't know what makes a good style, you haven't had to fight a day in your life without something in your hands..."

"Oh really? You think I get a face like this without a few good hits?" He furrows his brow, before slamming his knee into my gut, forcing me to hunch over with his two goons still gripping onto my arms, "No one got ahead fightin' honest and thats a fact...maybe we ought to ship you off for a little 'vacation?' " He smirked, grabbing onto my face, "We'll rough you up real good, until you're as 'pretty' as me, maybe then you'll understand who's in charge of these 'fights'-Hey!"

He suddenly lost his grip as someone turned down the alleyway and bumped into him, seeming to shrug off the encounter like the suited thugs were just ants in his walk way. This angered the boss man to no end, instantly making him shift his attention to the interloper...gripping onto the man's dark brown waistcoat and trying to pull him to turn around. "Hey pretty boy, late for a meeting or something? Why don't you stay a while?" boss man growled...but his grabbing seemed to do absolutely nothing to the blonde stranger's stride.

Instead of being jerked around, the tall man simply stopped in his tracks, letting an eerie silence fall over the alleyway while my Captors and I waited for his response. Despite looking like he was indeed, late for a meeting in corporate hell, with a blue striped dress shirt, clean salary-man waistcoat, and blonde styling that was more pomade than hair, after getting a look at him even from behind it was clear this man was nothing but pure muscle.

He turned, a soft welcoming smile on his face, piercing right through the alley with glowing blue eyes, "No sir, I'm not late going anywhere!" He beamed, "In fact..." the man reached behind his head, casually shrugging the fat thug's hand off his shoulder while he rubbed the back of his head, "Looks like I'm right where I need to be!" He raised his left loafer in the blink of an eye, front kicking the obese mafia wanna be right back down the alleyway and onto the sidewalk.

The impact robbed the bossman of all the air in his lungs, letting a pathetic grunt slip through his teeth. The stranger put his hand into his pocket after kicking him, producing a comb and running it through his blonde hair, "And I thought I was going to be bored all day, guess I get to have some fun after all," he nonchalantly cracks his neck, watching the boss rise to his feet with seething.

"...Lay him out!" The boss flicked out his switch blade, rearing it back behind his head ready to stab at the stranger's eyes, his words springing his two goons into motion. Dropping me, they both prepared their weapons and started wildly swinging at the man's head with them.

He easily slipped to the left around the brass knuckle wielder's sloppy right straight, shimming around him and ducking under the chain, the two men crashing into eachother and almost falling on the other side of him after he walked passed them as casually as any other pedestrian. The boss man swung his blade but only cut air, the man seemingly melting away from him like the thugs where trying to murder a wizard.

"You guys done warming up yet?" The blonde turned to them, having waded through a sea of weapons unscathed, holding out two loosely closed hands in front of him.

The men blinked, feeling a sudden breeze on their stomachs...looking down to find ALL OF THEIR JACKETS WERE UNDONE, confused and almost like a hivemind they each began gripping onto their suits. But no matter what they tried to solve the issue, they couldn't rebutton their shirts...because none of them had buttons.

"Jeez..." The stranger opened his palms, letting a handful of buttons he had somehow remove from their shirts fall onto the pavement, "It's only a party trick, you three look like you've seen a ghost..." He shifts his hands to holding them near his head, spacing out his legs in a proper battle stance...but the strange thing was...he held his hands as if there was a chain connecting them and limiting their motion.

"You ready for a real fight yet?" he yawned, ignoring two of the men calling out 'He's fast!' with panic in their eyes.

"Alright tough guy, so you're a magician, I know a trick...I'm about to make your head hit the pavement!" the knuckle wielding thug growled, rearing back his arm and rushing him, hell bent to make another right cross connect with the stranger's head.

The blonde deftly stepped forwards, slamming his foot down into the attacker's forward shin and breaking his posture instantly, allowing him to catch the strike and swing the man wherever he wanted him-and where he wanted him, was headbutting into the wall next to us.

After preforming impromptu prefrontal lobe surgery using masonry as makeshift equipment, he wrapped his arms around the attacker's waist and suplexed him head first into the opposite wall, before effortlessly chucking the unconscious body out of the alleyway. "Sleep it off!" he called out after the discarded thug.

The man with the chain was next, swinging it wildly around his head to gain momentum-only to catch the brass of the other man's knuckleduster to the nose...The stranger having removed it from the last attacker and hurled it directly into his head. The chain wielder stumbled back into the boss man, who threw him aside and did yet another headless charge.

"Night night, mother-" He didn't get to finish his sentence before some bottle from the ground had been flung into him, shattering and making him stumble forwards instead of charging. The blonde simply kicked it up into him, before getting a hold of the man's arm and wrist-locking him, forcing him to drop the knife.

"You rely a little too much on that blade of yours...there's an art to this you know?" He thought out loud, before shoving the guy back and headbutting him. Seeing as he didn't go down, threw down his front facing hand and slammed it back up into the man's chin-the impact not only sending him into the air but creating a vortex of wind that sucked all of the trash in the alleyway up with him. Even though he had lazily uppercut him with his left hand, the sheer speed had sucked all of the wind in around it, blasting him nearly ten feet into the air and back onto the Earth!

I blinked, slowly standing and putting my hands up to make sure he realized I wasn't also a threat, but instead of saying anything eloquent, other words jumped out of my mouth. "Jesus! You're fast! Where did you learn to move like that?"

"I learned it from prison," the man adjusted his wristwatch and fixed his shirt, turning to me with a cocky smirk, "You hurt?"

"No...just my pride," I groan, putting my head up against the wall to scold myself. I could've easily taken any of those assholes, but they had to jump me all at once. Guess that's just what happens on the streets.

"Trust me kid, I've been there," the man comes up to me, outstretching his hand after wiping it clean on his khakis, "I'm Cody."

I tilt my head,a little distrusting, but outstretch my hand and shake his anyways, "(Y/N)"
"...(Y/N)? Think I saw you in a match the other night...pretty clean one rounder, gotta say!" He compliments, one of his hands going into his pockets as I shake his hand.
"Did you...?" I question as I go to pull my hand back, but instead I'm greeted with the loud locking of manacles around my wrist.

"Yeah I did! Illegal prize fighting, you're under arrest!" Before I could react he had both my hands chained together...not with regular handcuffs, but with elongated shackles, the kind I heard they used in Metro City Prison for the yard! Why was he just carrying these around with him!?

"...Damn it..." I growl, not resisting because I knew it was only going to make the charges worse, "What the hell kind of cop are you? You're not in uniform!"
"I'm not a cop kid, I'm actually the Mayor."
"What the fu-"

[Turn Back the Beat!]

[A Few Minutes Later]
[Metro City, New York]
[Metro City Hall]

"So...lemme get this straight..." The woman sitting across from Cody and I pushed her glasses back up onto her face, furrowing he nose and doing her best to (unsuccessfully) hide the anger in her voice, "Instead of attending the meeting, you decided to go...arrest this child...and not only that, instead of taking him to the police, you've decided to take him here?" The woman was becoming so unhinged it seemed like her tightly pulled red pony tail was going to burst into flames much hotter than her attitude.

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