Chapter 134: Shikaku's Jutsu

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"Tsk tsk tsk~ It's truly incredible."

In a room that could be described as a biological laboratory but looked more like a research room in a hospital intensive care unit, Orochimaru held a report, clicking his tongue in amazement as his eyes scanned the paper continuously, his face full of joy.

Tatsuma, on the other hand, surveyed his surroundings. It was quite different from what he had imagined Orochimaru's laboratory to be like. At this moment, Orochimaru's laboratory lacked the intimidating things that would typically be associated with it, such as organs or special organisms.

It was very clean and tidy, albeit with a bit more Sealing Jutsu-style equipment. Surprisingly, there were also computers here that Tatsuma had never seen in the ninja world, not even in the Hokage's office. Yet Orochimaru had one here.

Suddenly, Tatsuma felt a strong urge to go over and play with it. After all, it had been five years since he last touched one of these things. And upon seeing the computer, what came to his mind was an old game he used to play when he was a child, a card game.

The simple, classic built-in game in the system was something Tatsuma was curious about. He wondered if Orochimaru's computer had this game. However, upon seeing the Sealing Jutsu-style on the computer, Tatsuma abandoned the idea of playing with it.

Perhaps at this moment, "Snake Uncle" hadn't turned dark yet, hadn't delved into the taboo research challenging human moral boundaries. But given his status and position, there were bound to be too many confidential contents. Tatsuma didn't want to get into trouble.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what in the world are you seeing?"

Compared to Tatsuma's restraint in this small research room, Tsunade seemed much more familiar. After all, it wasn't her first time here; she had borrowed Orochimaru's equipment several times before.

At this moment, Tsunade only wanted to know what Orochimaru had analyzed and researched. With Tsunade's prompt, Orochimaru also snapped out of his thoughts and said,

"Tatsuma's cellular vitality and the energy storage of individual cells are astonishing. Compared to... ahem... peers of the same age, it's simply night and day."

"Does that mean he's very healthy then?" Tsunade asked. Orochimaru nodded and then shook his head, saying, "I should say... robust, but not without issues."

"Speak quickly!"

Hearing that her disciple had health issues, Tsunade's brows furrowed, her face showing some urgency. Orochimaru turned the page and continued, "Tatsuma's blood sugar is unusually high for his age. I suggest conducting another set of tests, one on an empty stomach and another after a meal.

Of course, it would be best to conduct continuous monitoring throughout the day, checking blood sugar levels at different time intervals and observing fluctuations after meals. We need to determine whether it's due to his body's condition or the impact of foods with high glycemic index. After all, before sampling, Tatsuma had just finished eating grilled meat and consumed four ice creams, which could have resulted in inaccurate test results."

Finishing his explanation, Orochimaru glanced at Tsunade with some reproach. After all, yesterday, after they had finished their duty reports, they were both in a fasting state, which would have been the most accurate time for sampling. However, Tsunade, citing concern for Tatsuma going hungry, had taken him to lunch first, introducing variables and flaws into Orochimaru's research.

"Cough, cough~" Tsunade also felt a bit embarrassed. Of course, she knew that fasting examinations were more accurate. But yesterday, she herself was hungry, so there was no reason for Tatsuma not to be hungry. After all, Tatsuma was in a phase of growing up; how could he be allowed to go hungry?

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