Chapter 51

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The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a soft golden light over the Khan mansion. Adeel, having just woken up and completed his morning routine, decided to go for his usual walk. As he stepped out into the fresh morning air, he made his way towards the gate.

As Adeel approached the gate, he was met with a shocking sight. There, lying shirtless on the cold ground, was his one and only son, Ibrahim. His heart skipped a beat, and he rushed towards him, shouting, "Ibrahim!"

Adeel fell to his knees, cradling Ibrahim's head in his lap. "Ibrahim, get up! Why are you lying here? What happened to you?" he cried, his voice filled with panic.

Ibrahim slowly opened his eyes, disoriented at first. He saw his father's concerned face and suddenly, the memories of the previous night came flooding back. The horror and regret hit him all at once. He pushed himself away from his father's lap, shouting, "Noooooooo! That can't be possible!"

Adeel, utterly confused, tried to understand what was happening. "What do you mean, Ibrahim? What happened?" he asked, his voice trembling with worry.But Ibrahim didn't answer. Instead, he scrambled to his feet, his mind racing. He ran towards the gate, where the guards stood, looking bewildered. "Where is Mehak?" he demanded, his voice raw with desperation.

The guards exchanged nervous glances. "We don't know, sir," one of them replied hesitantly.Ibrahim's fury erupted. "What were you all doing when she was leaving? How could you let her go?" he shouted, his voice echoing through the quiet morning.

Adeel, having followed his son, caught up and grabbed his arm. "Ibrahim, what is going on? What happened to Mehak?" he asked, his face pale with fear and confusion.

Ibrahim's eyes were wild with panic. "No! Noooooo!" he screamed, breaking free from his father's grip. The realization that Mehak had escaped, that she had left him after the horrors of the previous night, was too much to bear.

He fell to his knees, his hands clutching his head as he let out a guttural cry. The guards and Adeel watched, helpless and horrified, as Ibrahim was consumed by his despair. The morning light did nothing to dispel the darkness that had fallen over them.

On the other side The streets were already coming alive with vendors setting up their stalls and the early morning traffic beginning to flow. Mehak and Faiza stepped off the bus, a wave of relief washing over them as they finally set foot in a place far from the troubles they had left behind.

Faiza glanced at Mehak, who looked exhausted but determined. "Let's go," she said gently, guiding Mehak towards the line of taxis waiting nearby.

They approached one of the drivers, and Faiza quickly arranged for a ride. They climbed into the back seat, and the taxi pulled away from the bus station, merging into the morning traffic.

As they drove through the vibrant streets of Jaipur, Mehak leaned her head against the window. The rhythmic hum of the car and the gentle sway of the ride began to lull her into a much-needed rest. Her eyes fluttered closed, and within moments, she was asleep, her body finally surrendering to the exhaustion and stress of the past hours.

Faiza watched her.her heart ache for the pain Mehak had endured. She reached out and gently adjusted the scarf around Mehak's shoulders which was given by faiza only making sure she was comfortable. The taxi continued its journey, the driver occasionally glancing in the rearview mirror but respecting their need for quiet.

The streets of Jaipur were a blur of colors and sounds as the city woke up around them. Faiza looked out the window, taking in the sights and thinking about their next steps. She knew they needed a safe place to stay and time to figure out their future. Her grandma’s home, nestled in a quieter part of the city, seemed like the perfect refuge.

As the taxi navigated through the streets, Faiza thought about the call she would need to make to her grandma. She hoped her grandma would understand their situation and offer them the sanctuary they desperately needed.

Mehak stirred slightly in her sleep, a frown creasing her forehead. Faiza reached out and gently smoothed a strand of hair away from Mehak's face, whispering, "It's okay, Mehak. We're almost there."

The taxi finally turned down a quieter street, lined with trees and modest houses. The driver pulled up in front of a small, welcoming home with a garden blooming with flowers. Faiza paid the driver and gently shook Mehak awake."We're here," Faiza said softly.Mehak blinked awake, her eyes red and puffy from crying. She looked around, trying to get her bearings. "Where are we?" she asked, her voice hoarse.

Faiza smiled reassuringly. "We're at my grandma’s house. She'll help us. Let's go inside and get some rest."They stepped out of the taxi, and Faiza led Mehak to the front door. She rang the bell, and after a few moments, a kind-looking woman opened the door. Her face lit up with recognition and concern as she saw Faiza."Faiza! Finally my granddaughter is here” saying that she hugs her.

Suddenly grandma looked at mehak and asked who’s she? Faiza said “she is my friend” and I know you must be thinking why she is with me?

"It's a long story, grandma" Faiza said, glancing at Mehak. "But we need a place to stay for a while. Can we stay here?"Her grandma looked at Mehak, who seemed fragile and worn out. 

"Of course, you both can stay here as long as you need," she said, her voice filled with warmth and concern.Mehak felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. For the first time in a long while, she felt a glimmer of hope. She and Faiza followed her grandma inside, ready to begin a new chapter in their lives, one that promised safety and healing in the heart of Jaipur.

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