Chapter 49

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Inside her mind, Mehak was screaming. "Why didn't he sleep when I already mixed sleeping pills in his wine?" she thought desperately, her heart breaking with every passing moment. She had hoped to avoid this, to give him the rest he needed and protect herself from this nightmare.

After what felt like an eternity, Ibrahim finally reached his climax. He collapsed beside Mehak, his breath heavy and laboured. The room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the sound of Mehak's quiet sobs.

Tears continued to fall from Mehak's eyes, soaking the pillow beneath her head. She felt a deep, aching sorrow that seemed to consume her entire being. and the weight of that realization was almost too much to bear.

The room was filled with a heavy silence. Ibrahim lay near Mehak, looking at her with a mix of affection and desire and a hint of desperation. His head throbbed from the effects of the sleeping pills she had mixed in his wine, but he was still determined."I will make love to you all night," he said, his voice thick with emotion.

Mehak's heart raced with fear. Hearing his words, she knew she had to act quickly. As Ibrahim leaned in to kiss her, she summoned all her strength and pushed him away. 

He looked at her, shocked.''Stay away from me!" Mehak shouted, her voice trembling. She grabbed a blanket to cover herself and got up from the bed.Ibrahim's head pounded, his vision blurring. He tried to focus on Mehak, but his eyes began to close against his will. He sat back on the bed, clutching his head in pain.

Mehak quickly put on her clothes, her hands shaking. "I hate you, Ibrahim Khan," she said, her voice breaking with emotion.Ibrahim looked at her, stunned. "What?" he whispered, disbelief etched on his face."Yes, I hate you," Mehak repeated, tears streaming down her face. She turned and ran from the room, her heart pounding in her chest.

Ibrahim, despite feeling dizzy and disoriented, managed to get up. "Mehak, stop there!" he shouted, stumbling after her. His head felt like it was splitting, but he pushed through the pain, desperate to reach her.

Mehak ran down the hallway, her mind racing. She could hear Ibrahim behind her, his footsteps unsteady but determined. She didn't dare look back, her only thought to escape.

"Mehak, please!" Ibrahim called out, his voice filled with a mix of anger and desperation. He wear his jeans and he reached out, trying to catch her, but his movements were sluggish, his body fighting the effects of the sleeping pills plus wine.

Mehak reached the stairs and hurried down, her breath coming in short, panicked gasps. She could still hear Ibrahim behind her, but his steps were slowing, his strength fading.

As Mehak reached the bottom of the stairs, she paused for a moment, looking back. Ibrahim was halfway down, leaning heavily on the railing, his face pale and strained.", Mehak," he said, his voice barely more than a whisper. “Don’t you dare to leave me”.

But Mehak couldn't stop. The pain and fear she felt were too overwhelming. She turned and ran towards the front door, desperate to put as much distance between them as possible 

As she reached the main door and stretched out her hand to open it, she felt a strong grip on her arm. Ibrahim had somehow gathered his strength and ran as fast as he could to catch her.

 His fingers tightened around her arm, pulling her back."You can't run away," Ibrahim said, his voice breathless but firm. Mehak turned to face him, her eyes wide with shock.

Author note
Hello my beautiful reader chapter 48 I reupload it with two parts now tell me did you all get the notification and how's chapter

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