Black Butler, The Book Of The Atlantic

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A young woman stood over the lifeless bodies as her (e/c) and red eyes gaze at them that had no emotion in there, just lifeless and empty.

Blood was dripping from her fingers, she squinted her eyes as there were bloody feathers around her, there was some on her cheek as she let out a tired sigh and started to walk away from the lifeless bodies.

She goes through the dark forest, stepping over small puddles that splashed by her foot as her heels clicked on the rocky path, she kept her gaze focused forward as her face was blank, droplets of rain going down on her and forest but she didn't care.

That's when a stick was heard snapping in the dark rainy forest causing her to halt and side glance, her face hardened that's when in a quick speed, she grabbed her dagger and sent it to the forest only to hear a clang and it got quickly sent towards back her face but she grabbed a hold of it between her finger.

She gazed at the spot where it came back from, and she crossed her arms. "I know you're in there, come out." She demanded that's when footsteps are heard coming toward her, and a familiar silver haired man stood in front of her with a scythe over his shoulder.

"Hello there, my dear." He greeted the young demon who looked at him with an unreadable expression on her face."Guessing you're here to get the souls, right?"

"That's correct, you really love to put us reapers to work a lot, don't you, my dear?" He chuckled, walking to her and grabbing a cloth from his pocket, using it to wipe some blood off her cheek, making her close one eye as she allowed him.

"Is that a problem?" She questioned, tilting her head."No, it's not if it has me seeing you, that is." He smirked, he pulled the cloth and put it away,"so let me guess, if there was duty of retrieving multiple souls from a massacre, you take it cause you knew it would be me?"

"Smart girl, you are my dear." He gaze at her beautiful (e/c) and red eyes with his greenish yellowish eyes "you know the reapers are being quite curious of who could be the cause of these massacre but I rather not let my coworkers see you though since I'm sure you don't want to be found by 'them' right?"

"Yes, that's right." She corrected, and the silver haired reaper let out a low snicker before grabbing her chin."You know, I'm very curious of something, my dear."

"And what's that?"

The reaper grinned widely. He had his scythe down, and his arm was wrapped over her waist, bringing her close.

"Does a being like you will allow me to see your cinematic record, or will it be just like last time when we first met? When I tried to see them."

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Y/n, ciel and sebastian even the other servants were in front of cruise ship that they were gonna get on as Tanaka, mey-rin, bard and finny are gonna stay at the manor to take care of it while y/n, ciel, snake and sebastian go to the cruise ship on an important task they are needed to do and see.

"Wow, so this is the campania!" Finny exclaimed in awed of the large ship as y/n is beside ciel who is staying by her side, holding his cane.

"It's big!"

"What a surprise, yes!"

Sebastian turns to the staff, paying him "to first-class suite A66, please." Ciel walked forward, taking the maid's hand as he held it, and she followed beside him, gazing up the large boat."The campania..." The butler gazes over with a grin on his lips."The majestic star line staked its whole future on building this trans-atlantic luxury liner and putting it in service." The earl explained as the people on the ship waved their loved ones goodbye.

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