His Butler, Employed

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Y/n and sebastian gazed over at Snake, who has his hands in his pockets. His gaze turned away from the two demons to the brown snake that's around him "is what wilde just said."

The brown snake hissed towards them then there was one snake behind them as it started to climb on y/n leg and reach to her shoulders, y/n looked at the snake and smiled, stroking it's head gently causing it to have a delightful feeling as it wrapped around her shoulder.

Snake is quite shocked to see this since the snakes are comfortable being around him and not other people. It seems y/n has something that has these snakes, not seeing her as a threat.

Y/n and sebastian could somehow peak through the tent and sees bunch of snakes inside even in cages as well, a snake stretched itself out towards the two demons, hissing at them as they stared at it, not bothered by it.

"The exit is that way." The snake used its tail to point where the exit is,"says goethe."

Y/n and sebastian give a polite smile towards the silver haired man. "Thank you for your assistance." They give him a small bow.

Y/n walked towards snake who glance at her and y/n give a smile, grabbing the snake from her shoulder and handing it to snake gently who took it "You're snakes are lovely, they're very sweet." She used her finger to stroke goethe head who had a happy expression on her face, the silver haired man blushes lightly and nodded as a thank you.

The (h/c) haired woman gave a sweet smile and walked away with sebastian by her side, his hand on her lower back as they headed towards the exit.

"Goodbye, beautiful lady!" Says goethe." Snake said in a high pitch tone as y/n chuckled softly, smiling of what goethe said.


Y/n and sebastian had left the circus and head back towards the carriage as they arrived, the butler open the door, helping y/n in the carriage which she thanked him for as sebastian entered inside after her and closed the door behind them.

Y/n and sebastian sat down on their seats as ciel used his cane, tapping the roof of the carriage, letting the driver know that they could head back to the manor that they are staying in while they are in London for the task.

"Did you two succeed?" Ciel asked his butler and maid as they glanced over at him."Unfortunately, someone got in our way before we could have a good look around." Sebastian told his master causing ciel to let out a sigh of disappointment of not being able to get any information of the case.

"Therefore, we think it is wise we do some more research. And for that, we have but one thing to ask of you, young master." Y/n said towards ciel with a smile, having the young man to glance over at his maid with softness in his blue eye.

"What is it y/n?" He asked softly towards her as sebastian grinned, his eyes narrowed a bit.


They had finally arrived at the manor as the carriage has stopped in front of the manor and ciel exit the carriage with y/n and sebastian following behind him, heading towards the entrance door of the manor, entering inside.

"Why did it end up going in that direction?" Ciel asked with annoyance in his tone, glaring at his butler as y/n gently took off his coat and hat, which he softly thanked her for before glaring angrily at the raven haired man.

"When did I give you that order?"

Y/n knew that ciel wouldn't be happy by that as sebastian grinned. "Is it a problem?" He mocked, causing ciel to turn his head, scoffing as he glared at him, but he inhaled, letting out a deep sigh as he closed his eyes "its all the same now." He opened his eyes."Let's save this for later." He told his maid and butler.

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