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Evlyn is so excited and nervous as it is the first day of her job with a very dangerously hot guy as her boss. She glanced at the clock, it read 7 am. She gobbled her breakfast and was out of her a apartment with in 10 min. She wistled for a taxi and she reached the big building of Markoni's in 30 min.  She is 20 min early. phew....
She was greeted by Sarah, the receptionist from yesterday. She took the private elevator and pressed the button for executive floor which is floor 20.
Evlyn was received by a lady who is in her 50's.

''Oh, you must be Miss Grace. I am Carolyn Hatts. Nice to meet you dear.''

''Hi, good morning Miss Hatts. Nice to meet you too. Please, call me Evlyn, mam.''

''Oh, dear. And you can call me Carol. Zeus is waiting for you, darling. Go see him.''

Evlyn nodded and went to his enormous cabin. It has an oak door with big C.E.O encrypted on it.

Zeus is anxious. yeah,yeah....I know....I am Zeus, the one and only heir to Markoni family. But this girl really captured me. He saw Evlyn getting off the elevator and speaking to Carol. It is clear that Carol liked Evy. He saw her heading towards his cabin. The door to his office opened and there came Evlyn. ''Umm...good morning, Mr. Marko-'' she was cut off by him.

'' pardon?''

'' Call me Zeus, Evlyn. You will be working by my side most of the day. So get used to call me Zeus then.''

''I....ok, Mr.Mark-.....I mean Zeus''

Zeus got this feeling again. Like a bolt of electricity running through his body when his name rolled off her tongue.

''Come on, let me show you your office Evlyn.''

Evlyn followed him to the room next to his cabin which has a private entrance as well as a connecting door to his office from inside. My office....my own office....Thank you god.
The room was small compared to his cabin but similar. It consisted of a big table with a revolving chair for her and two visitor chairs. A pair of sofa and a bathroom. Cool...

''Here, take these. You will need them to work.'' Zeus said by giving her a latest version of an I phone, a brand new tablet, and an apple macbook air. Wow.....and my dear ladies and gentlemen , these are the perks for doing a job as personal secratery for a multi billion company.

Priceless...that's what the expression on Evlyns face was...priceless....She is like a child on Christmas. She took them finally snapping out of her own world. But her expression changed from happy  to a frown face. He understood her feelings, so he said-'' Don't ever bother paying for it. These are free. Every employ gets his or her own accessories from the company itself.''
She beamed at that making him smile.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1 MONTH LATER..............

That Friday is a busy day in the office. All the staff members are working their ass off to finish the new deal with Japan company.
It's already 10:30 PM when Evy came out of her cabin and went to Zeus's office cabin. He is still working on his laptop when she went in without knocking. Yeah you heard it right. With.out.knocking. Over these past few weeks, they became close. Like more than just boss and employee. There is no denying about the mutual attraction between them. Still none of the both are moving forward in that aspect.

''Hey boss. Still working?'' Evy asked him feeling dead tired.

''Yeah Evy. It may take some more time. And just wait for me, I will drop you. It's already late.''

''Ok.'' Evlyn sighed and sat on the couch.

Zeus was finished with his work by 12:00 Am. He looked at Evlyn
who is yawning for every 5 minutes and is ready to drop dead. He chuckled when she gave him a sleepy relieved smiled probably thinking''finally!!!!''.

They both went to Zeus's car and hopped in. By the time they reached Evlyn's apartment, she is fast asleep in the passenger seat. Zeus parked the car and got out to move towards the passenger side and opened the door to reveal the sleeping beauty. He contemplated for a min whether to wake her up or to just carry her and decided for the later. He gently lifted her up in his arms and almost instinctively she put her face in the crook of his neck while sleeping soundly. He got the keys from her bag before he took her in his arms.

After a lots of effort to open the door with out disturbing the sleeping lady in his arms, he did it finally. He went in her bedroom and placed her gently on her bed which is surprisingly big. He took off her heels, watch and decided to let her sleep in her work clothes to not to disturb her. He took a wash cloth from her bathroom and cleaned her face, arms. All the time Evy didn't even stir in her sleep.
Hmm...she is tired.

Zeus looked at the clock to find that it's already 2 Am and he was dead tired to drive to his penthouse which is an hour away. So he decided to make himself comfortable on the couch which is in the bedroom itself.

Zeus was asleep for an hour maybe when he heard a whimper followed by sobbing.
He got up from his now comfortable couch to see Evlyn thrashing in her sleep and crying. He went closer to find her mumbling. He only grasped few words here and there. His heart clenched at the sight of her crying. He sat on the bed trying to wake her up-''Evy...Evy wake up!!..you're safe..you're safe..wake up!!''

She finally woke up after some effort. It took some time to come out of her dream.......... probably nightmare.
''Zeus?'' Evlyn whispered.
''Yes. I am right here Evy. you ok?"

"yeah...I-I am f-fine"

"yeah right!!...you totally look fine. Seriously Evy, what's bothering you, Tell me?" 

Evlyn stayed silent for long minutes that he almost gave up. But the next words she uttered shattered his heart.
''You wouldn't leave me right?''
She sounded so broken.
''Pinky swear?''
Zeus snorted at that but still replied-''yeah. Pinky swear.''

Zeus lowered both of them on the bed with her in his arms and continued to rub her back softly. Evy sighed relaxing at his touch. After few minutes her body went slack against his and her breathing became slow. Zeus eventually went to sleep aware of the warmth spread by the small body curled around him.

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