I Choose You

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The Untold Poem of Someone
(Written By Zack)

My Dearest,

Are you mad?  She Asked I responded No, not quite,
Just feeling off, lost in the darkest night.
Why this attitude, I cannot say,
Suddenly quiet, pushing you away.

Feel bad, for not saying a thing , it's true,
Sometimes, I feel so sorry for you.
Wondering how much you handle me,
When I can't even understand what I see.

So thank you for staying through it all,
Even when I'm so hard, dumb and I fall.
Thank you for loving me despite,
The confusion, the silence, the fights.

"Thank you for staying with me, I love you."
"I'll stay even on days when you feel blue.
Even if the whole world turns its back on you,
I'll choose and keep choosing to stay true."

You made a promise and stood it by being strong,
In your love, I found where I belong.
On the heart of yours, resting, we know,
Our love is steadfast, even when shadows grow.

With all my ink and pen ,

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