The beast king ch 11: Jack joind the party.

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Previously on twisted honey...

"If I'm gonna trust you, I gotta size you up first. Prove to me that you ain't all talk, and I'll tell you everything I know."


It was the Braincell squad versus Jack the lone wolf. But before the fight, start y/n had an idea. "Hey Before we fight I gotta do something first Brb!" She said before running off towards the other side of the court yard.

Jack was confused by her Quick departure. "Hey wait what are y-" He tires to reach after her but Ace stops him. "Woah hey chill man she will be right back." Ace reassured him. Jack crossed his arms. "Just what was so important that she'd just run away like that." He questioned. Ace and Deuce postured stiffened and looked at each other a little nervous, the both of them knew to keep Twisted Honey a secret.

Jack glares at the two impatiently, it was obvious these two were keeping something from him. "Tell me what she had to do?" He demanded. Deuce nervously looks away from jack.."Well hehe you know girls...they have to, ya know-"

"I just had to change my outfit!"

The boys looked up to see Y/n standing on the top of the well, dwelling a brand new costume. Her hair was tied up, she wore flat shoes, and with a Chinese inspired dress she was ready to fight.

She did a flip in the air before landing on her feet, she then went into a kung-fu fighting stance

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She did a flip in the air before landing on her feet, she then went into a kung-fu fighting stance. The boy's jaws dropped as they witnessed the utter awesomeness that was y/n. "whoa Kung-fu honey..." Ace whispers thinking of a name for her new form. Jack looked at the girl confused. "You were only gone for a few seconds, jow did you change that quickly!?" He Shouted. Y/n glared at him. "That doesn't matter, let's fight!"

Seeing the fierceness in her eyes Jack nodded and went into a fighting stance. Jack starts the fight by casting a wind spell Ace counters it with a flame spell. Deuce casts his cauldron spell but Jack quickly Dodges the attack. While Jack was distracted y/n ran up to him and tried to punch him. He blocked the punch with his arm, she then tried to kick him, and he counterd with his own kick. The two of them went back and forth with y/n and her gang attacking while jack countered and defended himself.

The fight dragged out for a long time. With neither side clearly winning, all of them were tired of fighting. With a final kick to the side from y/n Jack was down to one knee "Hyeeeaaarrrgh!" He groaned. "Man, you just... You just don't give an inch..." the wolfman panted. Deuce was in a similar state. "Phew... You neither. You sure can fight." He responds.

"It's like every one of your punches rattled me to the core..." Grim groaned in pain. Ace scratched the back of his head with an unamused scowl. "Yeeesh... Maybe we got a little carried away. Uuuugh. At this point, I don't even care about makin' the stupid team." Y/n was the least tired of them, she bowed in respect of her opponent. "You've put up a great fight, But I believe we're ready to hear your answer jack." She says calmly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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