The red Tyrant Ch 15. Trauma Dump Time!

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Once again we find our girl floating in void only this time there was a light in front of her. Y/n sits up while holding her forehead. "Ugh What where am I?" She asks. Y/n stood up and looked around the void. She turns around to a mirror Behind her  showing her reflection. She studied the new outfit she had on.

 She studied the new outfit she had on

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Strange…not my usual lingerie." She commented while toying with the fabric. The girl walked closer to observe the mirror each step causing the surface her feet touch to ripple like water. She reached to touch the glass only for the mirror to disappear in a blink of an eye. The void suddenly faded into monochrome colors reminiscent of a memory. ahead of her y/n could now see a lone figure in the distance. With a crown on his head and his short stature she immediately recognized who she was seeing.

"Riddle!" She called as she  ran towards him. The boy ignored her, not moving an inch as if he was unfazed. Once she finally reached him the world changed once again, thus time they where standing in what seems to be a dining room.
"Huh? What are we doing in a random person's house?" Y/n whispers in confusion.

Suddenly a child faded into the memory sitting at a table with a book right in front of him, after getting a better look at the kid she recognized him as an even tinier version of Riddle. "Aw baby Riddle." Y/n cooed. The said boy was still silently standing next to her. Suddenly a woman walked in who looked similar to Riddle. The lady was Holding a cake in her hands. "Is that your mom?" Y/n asked while pointing at the lady. Riddle locked eyes with y/n acknowledging her presence. "Yes she is." he answered.

"Happy eighth birthday, Riddle.
This year's birthday cake is a low-sugar recipe made with nuts and lecithin-rich soy flour to improve your cerebral function." The woman says while placing the cake on the table. Ms Rosehearts said while sitting the cake on the table. Y/n Cringed at the pastor's description. "Ew what the hell? I barely understand what she said, but that sounds disgusting." She said.

The little boy stared at the cake with disappointment in his eyes. It was clear that the cake was the opposite of what he wanted. "Thank you. But, Mom...Just once, I'd like to try one of those tarts covered with bright-red strawberries…" he Mumbled.

His mother's eyes Narrows,  she placed her hand over her heart as of she was offended.  "Absolutely not! Those tarts are monstrously unhealthy. I might as well feed you poison! Even just a single slice would exceed your recommended daily intake of sugar. Now, dinner tonight will be a tuna sauté rich in DHA and omega-3 fatty acids. Now that you're eight, your caloric intake should be 600 kilocalories per meal, so don't eat more than 100 grams of it.

Tiny Riddle Nodded "Yes, Mom."

Y/n ws absolutely repulsed by The women's behavior. "But! You were just a kid! How could she be so…so…" the girl couldn't find the words to describe what just happened, A child shouldn't have to worry about a diet or anything like that.

The memory faded away. "Over a little request Damn your mom is mean…." Y/n sighs. Riddle looks at y/n with sadness in his eyes. "I always wanted to try one of those tarts with the bright-red strawberries. The local cake shop had them in the window. They shined at me like forbidden jewels." Riddle says while pointing towards a tart in another vision.

Twisted Honey ( Twisted wonderland X magical girl reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ