The Beast king Ch5: OH NO OUR BAKER BOY IS HURT!

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Y/n and Grim came across a bunch of students during their investigation, all of them from different dorms. The same story was told by every injured individual. Nothing new was added to the story. Y/n was trying her best to get new clues but nothing came up. Having no new leads y/n and Grim headed back to headquarters also known as Ramshackle ending the day.


The next morning the Ramshackle duo did their morning routine. Y/n was Dressed up as detective Honey once again. She was looking at her theory bulletin board all with locations and descriptions of injuries. Nothing on the board was adding up Frustrated the girl sighs as she sits on the living room couch "I can't believe we didn't find anything, all their stories were the exact same." She said while flipping through her notepad.  Grim had an irritated Look on his fury face as he sat down next to her.

"I dunno, this just looks like a bunch of absent-minded kids hurtin' themselves to me. If there's a scandal here. I ain't seein' it!" He shouts. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Y/n turned her head towards and pointed at it. "Grim, go answer the door." She Commanded. "Huh? Whozzat?" He asks while opening the door. It was none other Ace Trappola, with a rose in his hand no less. "Mornin'. Guess you're feeling better now, huh, Grim?" He greeted the cat monster.  "Oh it's you." Grim dryly replied.

Y/n gets up to greet Ace herself "Acey Hi!" She cheerfully greets as she hugs the ginger. Ace studies the girl's outfit. "Cute costume, should I be calling you Detective wifey for now?" He playfully asked. Y/n rolled her eyes. "Actually it's detective honey." She corrected.  "We're kinda busy right now. No time for that kid stuff. Scram." Grim scoffs. Ace lifted his eyebrow "Busy? What, you got a lot of homework?" He asked. "No. Actually, why don't you step inside? We have a lot of explaining to do." She offered.

Ace accepted the offer by walking inside and sitting on the couch. Y/n then pulls out the board with the case details. Y/n then continued to explain the case in full detail. "And here we are with nowhere to turn too…." She says in disappointment.  "Injuries from suspicious accidents, huh?" Ace questions, even with the details he was just as puzzled at the Ramshackle duo.

"But nothin' we heard sounded all that suspicious. It seemed like they were all just excited about the tournament, got distracted, and hurt themselves somehow." Grim says. All three of them hummed in unison, neither of them had any clue of what's going on. Y/n growls in frustration, "what in the freaky friday, bad luck plague is this!?" She shouts. In admits of all the quite suddenly the door to Ramshackle slammed right open. Deuce runs in and grabs Ace's Shoulders.

"Ace! We got a big problem!" Deuce yelled. Ace was taken aback by Deuce Sudden entrance. "Dial it down, Loosey-Deucey. What is it?." He asked. "Trey fell down the stairs! He's hurt!" Deuce Shouts in a panic. Y/n Grim and Ace's jaws dropped in shock. "What!" They all shout in unison. "Myah! He's the sneaky one with the glasses, yeah?" He asked, trying to remember him.  Y/n's Shock quickly turned into concern. "He never struck me as being absent-minded. It's Hard to believe he got "distracted" too." She commented a bit suspicious about the situation. Ace nods in agreement, "Yeah, Trey wouldn't just trip and eat dirt." He commented.

Y/n immediately got worried, she frantically grabs her detective bag and Grim. "Come on, what are we standing here for!? We got to go check on him!" She yells as she quickly exits the dorm with Ace and Deuce following closely behind. The Squad ran all the way to Heartslabyul and immediately booked it to Trey's room. Inside they see Trey in bed with bandages on his foot. Cater was sitting pretty in a chair next to his bed.

The group walked over to Trey's bed to the man lying down. "Yo, man, how's it going?" Ace asks. "How are you feeling, Trey?" Deuce added. Y/n pushed the two off from in front of her giving Trey the biggest wettes puppy dog eyes shw could muster "You aren't too badly injured right?" Y/n asked. Trey giggles at her antics and gently cuffs her cheek. "I'm fine Honey there's no need to worry about me. Y/n melts onto his hand as she looks at him with love in her eyes.

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